среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

10 Ways to Speed ​​Up Hair Growth

10 Ways to Speed ​​Up Hair Growth 5 5 2
10 способов ускорить рост волос
What woman does not dream of long luxurious hair? But, alas, they often break, split, lose brilliance and liveliness, do not grow as fast as we would like, so in many cases the process of hair growing is delayed for a long time. What to do if you do not part with the dream of long curls, but your hair does not want to become a luxurious mane? There are several proven ways that can help you speed up the process of growing your hair.
1. Proper nutrition
Hair products are various green, yellow and orange vegetables containing beta-carotene, cereals, legumes, nuts and rye bread, rich in biotin, as well as protein products such as meat, fish and dairy products responsible for collagen production.
2. Vitamin and mineral complexes
If you notice that the proper nutrition alone does not give the desired effect, you can resort to pharmacy vitamin-mineral complexes, but it is advisable to consult with a specialist before using them. Here is the list of substances necessary for the hair, choose the complexes that maximally contain them: vitamins A, B, C and E, trace elements: calcium, zinc, iron, copper, silicon, sulfur.
3. Selection of hair care products
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Choose special shampoos that promote hair growth and contain protein, vitamins and trace elements. With regular use, especially in combination with balms and masks, they are, in fact, able to well hydrate and nourish hair, and also to promote their growth.
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4. Special procedures
Once a month, you must always trim the tips. Otherwise, they begin to split and break, become dull and lifeless. As a result, the hair grows much more slowly, and just do not look well, so you should not forget about this procedure.
5. Essential oils
The use of various oils (almond, burdock, castor and others) remarkably nourishes the hair and stimulates their growth. You can make masks based on them, or simply add a couple drops of oil to the shampoo while washing your head. But it is advisable to rinse out the oil very thoroughly with warm water, as otherwise they can add unwanted grease to the hair.

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