среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

Hair care in the summer: 10 tips for a hairdresser

Hair care in the summer: 10 tips for a hairdresser 5 5 1
Уход за волосами в летнее время: 10 советов парикмахера
Summer is an ideal period for rest, relaxation, and also restoration of vitality, health and beauty. But, often the heat does not have the best effect on our appearance, especially on the condition of the skin and hair. And if you are dissatisfied with the appearance of your curls, then you need to know some nuances of hair care in the summer that will not only save them from the harmful effects of various factors, but also help you improve their condition and return the field of vacation with a healthy and obedient head of hair.
1. Proper washing
In the summer, do not wash your hair every day even with the mildest shampoo, as this can lead to excessive dryness of the hair. Do this no more often 2-3 times a week, instead of washing, you can refresh your hair with some herbal decoction. When choosing a shampoo and other hair care products, give preference to products with intensive moisturizing and UV filters. When washing hair, try to tilt your head as low as possible to increase blood circulation. Do not go out in the street with wet hair and do not dry them in the sun - it threatens overdrying. As for the comb, in summer it is recommended to replace the brush with a comb with sparse teeth. When combing wet or damp strands, do not pull them, but start with tips and gradually gently climb to the roots.
2. Care of tips
Hair tips are the most fragile part of them, and in heat they suffer the most. Once a week, it is recommended to use a special nutrient for them. Divide the hair into equal strands, each twist into a bundle, apply the product, wrap with foil and leave for half an hour. Instead of such a tool, you can also use a regular hand cream: for this, apply it on the palm of your hand, rub it, but do not rub it, and walk your hands over the tips of your hair. This will help to give them a healthy shine and eliminate brittleness.
3. Sport and the right products
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It is worth remembering that products such as alcohol, animal fats and sharp spices have a bad effect on the condition of the hair and can lead to the formation of dandruff. A healthy food for the hair - it's vegetables, fruits, nuts and dairy products (preferably with bioadditives). Sports activities are useful not only for the figure, but for the hair too, as the movement intensifies the blood flow, thereby giving the hair a healthy sheen and stimulating their growth.
4. Be careful with the sun
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Abuse of sunlight can lead to loss in the hair of the necessary moisture, deprive them of strength and elasticity, and destroy the upper protective layer of the scalp. On the beach it is better to always be in a hat or cap, if you do not wear them, then definitely use any sunscreen spray or hair balm. Apply it to clean hair after washing, without rinsing them. After returning from the beach, the hair should be washed with a nutritious shampoo.
5. Sea water
Prolonged contact with salt water can deprive the hair of natural shine, making them coarse and stiff. If you are against bathing in a cap, then after contact with sea salt, be sure to rinse your hair with clean water and apply a restorative that does not need to be washed off. After a long contact with seawater, the following nourishing mask works well: take 1 yolk, a tablespoon of mayonnaise, a teaspoon of honey, mix, apply on hair, warm and leave for two hours. Then rinse with warm water and wash your hair with shampoo. You can also rinse your hair with a mixture of beer and water in a 1: 2 ratio. The smell will not last long, but your hair will become much more shiny and elastic.

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