пятница, 15 декабря 2017 г.

4 common mistakes in anti-aging care

4 common mistakes in anti-aging care 5 5 3
4 распространенных ошибки в антивозрастном уходе
Many experts argue about the age at which it is necessary to think about anti-aging care. Answer: There is no single rule and it can not be - everything is absolutely individual. Correctly built system of general care begins with childhood. The most important thing is to instill in the person the stereotypes of care. Further, the line of augmentation funds begins to expand depending on the tasks assigned. Everything works prophylactically.
1. There is a generally accepted opinion that it is impossible to cope with some skin imperfections. It is not true! Yes, you can not solve most problems on your own. But for a competent specialist there are no impossible tasks. It all depends on how much you are willing to spend the time and energy to solve these tasks.

2. The skin needs different care in different periods of our life. Many forget that stress, diet, changing of climatic zones affect our body. It is necessary to adjust the concept of care depending on the period of life and condition and consult with a specialist. It is necessary to pay attention not to advertising, but to individual internal needs of the organism and the situation in which the organism is located. Only with this symbiosis is a selection of cosmetics by a specialist. The same applies to beauty treatments in general.

3. Often, women buy beauty products, focusing on advertising and loyalty to the brand . Remember: if you are approached by one particular brand remedy, this by no means means that your skin will fit all the products. The same rule applies even to the same means: for example, your favorite can cope with tasks in the winter, but not cope in the summer.
Read also: 10 rules in skin care, which you need to follow from a young age

4. When selecting the means and the concept of care, please contact the specialists. If you still choose the aids for yourself, first of all pay attention to the composition. In the means for moisturizing, look for hyaluronic acid and ceramides, for regeneration (repair) - placenta and peptides, for exfoliation - acid.
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