понедельник, 25 декабря 2017 г.

6 factors in favor of face masks

6 факторов в пользу масок для лица
Let's see what the face masks are useful for.

1. Masks act more effectively than creams and serums
Because the concentration of active ingredients in them is higher. Chemists do not have to think how to extend the shelf life of the drug in a tube or jar (it is consumed faster than creams) and how it will be covered by whey or sunscreen - most masks we simply wash off with water. There are pluses and tissue masks. Packed in hermetically sealed bags, they are reliably protected from air, which can destroy many important ingredients or weaken their action. In such "disposable" products a chemist can lay the maximum of useful substances.

2. Masks improve the effect of other skin care products
Choosing masks with the same ingredients that are contained in your familiar skin care products (or with those that give a similar effect), you are working on the problem from different angles. For example, you struggle with acne: in the morning, wipe them with lotion with salicylic acid, and in the evening, dry it with cream with benzene peroxide. Try using a mask on a sulfuric basis between these tools at least once a week. Separately, these ingredients work on different problems: salicylic acid disinfects, benzene peroxide dries, and sulfur reduces fat release and exfoliates dead cells. It turns out that you are attacking pimples from three sides.

3. Masks - this is a reboot for the skin
7 basic rules of home skin care
Everyone has periods when anything is done with the skin, nothing works, especially if the yard is changing seasons. At this time it is especially important to make masks not from time to time, but regularly. If the sebaceous glands are too active, the clay mask will have an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce the production of fat and dry pimples. Moisturizing tissue mask will return tired skin radiance (at least for a couple of hours!). A cooling gel mask quickly removes redness. It is not by chance that masks often complete in clinics aggressive procedures - laser therapy or peeling.

4. Masks - a way to relax
Read also: How to choose the right cosmetics for skin care?
Sometimes masks can be annoying that they restrict us in movement. To make the tissue mask work properly, you need to lie down. Not to mention the fact that with an impressive layer of gel, cream or even more clay on the face on the street you will not go out. But this is just fine. Even if you snuggle with a mask for only ten minutes, the level of cortisol - a stress hormone - will drop significantly, which in turn will trigger the release of beta-endorphins into the blood and substances that have anti-inflammatory, regenerating and anti-aging effects. To consolidate the result, take a deep breath with your belly, as do yogis. Then you will lower pressure, blood circulation will improve and the skin will turn pink.

5. With some masks you can go to bed
Hot hit in South Korea now - night masks. They are also called "sets for sleep." The concentration of nutrients in them is higher than in night creams. In some masks, on the contrary, active ingredients like peptides or clarifying ingredients are few, but they are literally stuffed with moisturizing agents.
While you are sleeping, the skin generates new cells, but at the same time it loses moisture (during the heating season, the air in the city apartments is too dry). With such a mask, the skin will remain hydrated until the morning. In addition, it will strengthen the effect of any funds and creams that you put under it. " Simply put, night masks regulate the processes occurring in the skin while we sleep.

6. Masks help active substances penetrate deeper into the skin
If you regularly use a mask that exfoliates dead particles and moisturizes the skin, then the level of moisture will always be at a height. And this means that the anti-aging components - acids, retinoids - will penetrate deeper and the skin will perceive them better. In addition, if you apply a mask over face or serum oil (for example, a thick cream mask), it will save the active ingredients like peptides and growth factors from evaporation.

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