пятница, 15 декабря 2017 г.

6 ways to whiten the skin at home

6 ways to whiten the skin at home 5 5 3
6 способов отбелить кожу в домашних условиях
If in the summer you are well-soaked in the sun, and now you understand that sunburn seems too dark to you, then, of course, you can make an appointment with a beautician to lighten your skin with peelings. But to do them in the beginning of autumn is not recommended, since the warming sun can provoke an undesirable reaction in the form of the appearance of pigment spots on the face. Postpone the trip to the beautician in order to level the skin tone for the period of deep autumn and winter, but for now use five gentle means that will help brighten the pigmentation spots and freckles, and also make the skin a couple of tones lighter.

1. Cucumber mask. This is one of the simplest and most affordable means. Simply grate the vegetable on a fine grater - you should get a gruel. Slightly squeeze out excess juice, mix with a spoonful of fatty sour cream or a nourishing cream, apply on face and hold for about 20 minutes. After this, rinse with warm water.

2. Tomato fresh with oatmeal. This is a great way to make the skin lighter. You will only need two ingredients to make this mask - some freshly squeezed tomato juice and oatmeal. Connect them and apply a thin layer on the skin. Soak until the mask is dry, and then rinse with warm water.
a tomato

3. Mask of dairy products. Cottage cheese, curdled milk, natural yogurt are your excellent assistants in skin lightening. Connect any of these ingredients with the blue clay purchased at the pharmacy, and your skin will just be delighted with this procedure. And if you prepare a mask of cottage cheese, m food and raw egg yolk, it will not only help to lighten the skin, but it will also well nourish it.

4. Decoction of parsley. For its preparation you will need to grind a bunch of parsley and pour it with boiling water. After this broth is infused, strain the greens and wipe the resulting lotion face twice a day. Simply moisten the cotton pad in the broth, wipe the face, wait until the skin is completely dry, and then rinse the lotion with cool water.
Read also: 10 rules in skin care, which you need to follow from a young age
Read also: Black mask: how to make at home?

5. Lemon and honey . Lemon perfectly copes with the function of skin whitening. But due to the fact that its acid is a fairly aggressive component, its cosmetologists are advised to use it together with honey. Simply combine the lemon juice and honey, stir until a uniform consistency and locally apply to those areas that you would like to bleach. But be careful - before the procedure, check whether you have an allergic reaction or irritation from one of these components. To do this, simply apply a little mixture to the skin and wait a few minutes. If redness or rash, itching you will not notice, you can make a mask.

6. Scrubs. It's a bonus tip - cleanse your skin regularly with scrubs. They help to remove dead skin particles, as well as dirt that accumulates on it due to interaction with the environment. You can make a scrub in a couple of minutes at home. The ideal option is a mixture of honey, coffee grounds (you can use the one you already brewed - here after all the main peeling effect of ground coffee), as well as a couple drops of vitamin E or oil, if desired - almond, coconut. Undress the body under the shower, and then apply a light, massaging scrub. After the first application, you will feel the tenderness, velvety skin. Use scrubs recommended once a week.
facial scrub

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