пятница, 15 декабря 2017 г.

All you need to know about peeling

All you need to know about peeling 5 5 3
Все, что нужно знать о пилинге
Peeling has become quite a traditional beauty procedure for most women and even men. But do you know all about this process? We will tell you the most necessary facts about peeling, which you need to know to everyone.

Types of peeling for different skin types
Dry skin needs nutrition, especially in the cold season. That is why it is worth it to choose peels based on glycolic acid. They delicately exfoliate the skin and simplify the work for the nutritious creams that you use. For the age category 40+, which has dry skin, laser ablative CO 2 peeling is preferable - it perfectly removes pigmentation, wrinkles and stretch marks.
For oily skin, a deep cleansing is necessary, which can be obtained from peeling on the basis of retinoic acid, as it narrows the pores, regulates fat and smooths the skin color. Also, a Clear Brilliant laser peel.
Sensitive skin needs no less deep peeling, but delicate and more sparing. Suitable funds based on enzymes that gently cleanse the skin, without completely injuring it.

Kinds of peelings with acids
Peeling on the basis of acids has maximally deep action, it smooths the skin color, removes pigmentation and narrows the pores.
Peelings with acids are superficial, medial and deep. The first - more sparing, right after them you can safely leave the house and not be afraid for your appearance - everything will be wonderful. Median peels cause peeling, which is becoming more problematic, but deep peels may require even a few weeks of rehabilitation. So choose wisely and count your time!
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Contraindications to the procedure
Like any other cosmetic procedure, peeling has common contraindications. These include skin damage, integrity disorders of the epidermis, acute acne and fungal diseases.
In such cases, peeling can not be done categorically - first you need to solve health problems.

Skin Preparation for Peeling
Why is alginate mask necessary?
Cooking is necessary only for deep peeling. On the topic of preparing for him it is better to consult a doctor - he will be able to prescribe medications for you for a few weeks before the procedure.

Skin care after the procedure
Care after peeling is very important, because it depends on it , in fact, the whole result.
After superficial peelings it is necessary to use regenerating creams which will take care of the stratum corneum of the epidermis.
After medial, laser and deep peelings, rehabilitation balms and creams are needed that can fully nourish the skin and sooth it, removing redness and burning.

Autumn - peeling time
Autumn is the ideal time for this procedure, since the negative impact of sunlight reduces to a minimum. For example, in summer it is much more dangerous to do this, because pigmentation can form.
In any case, in the autumn the sun too happens, so be sure to use sunscreen after peeling!

Now you know about peeling a little more than before. The main thing, remember, if you are not sure of the necessity or safety of the procedure - consult an expert. And let your skin always be healthy and beautiful!

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