среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

Business style: 7 best office hairstyles

Business style: 7 best office hairstyles 5 5 2
Деловой стиль: 7 лучших офисных причесок

The image of a working woman is manifested in detail: stylish status accessories, neat manicure, easy make-up, and, of course, a hairstyle. The hair of a business lady should always be well groomed and well laid. The ideal hairstyle - moderately strict, but at the same time emphasizing femininity. And, of course, comfortable and fast as possible, because time is often sorely lacking. We offer you several variants of simple and stylish hairstyles in business style, they will help you to emphasize the status and look always well-groomed, without spending a lot of time.
1. Smooth ponytail
This strict and laconic hairstyle immediately engenders an association with a successful and confident business woman. To make a perfect high ponytail, first wash your hair and dry it with a hairdryer using a brush, so that their ends are as smooth as possible. After the hair has been dried, apply a spray for straightening and thermal protection to them and level them with an iron, passing the entire length from the roots to the tips through it. With the help of a comb, divide the hair into two parts with a straight parting. The lower part gather in a dense tail, about 3 cm below the top of the hair. To make your tail smoother, gather the hair back. Remaining hair also take back, close them with the already assembled part and connect all the hair in one tail. Slightly sprinkle the hair with a fixing varnish.
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2. "Bun"
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To create an actual "bun", first you need to separate the top part of the hair and tie it in the tail, which then need to be combed. Next, collect all the remaining hair in one more tail and wrap this tail in the upper one. Secure with invisible and varnish. In this case, the so-called "bun" can be either low or high.
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7 stylish hairstyles for long hair
3. Lateral bun
If you have already tried the usual "bun", and you want to create a new version of this cute hairstyle, then try to build a "side bun". It is done in the same way as an ordinary bun, but the difference is that the main tails you need to tie and lay not straight, but in the right or left side. This hairstyle is less strict, and can also fit for an evening date after work.
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