понедельник, 25 декабря 2017 г.

How to apply cosmetics with retinol?

How to apply cosmetics with retinol? 5 5 3
Как правильно применять косметику с ретинолом?
Retinol (vitamin A) is part of most anti-aging agents. He struggles with wrinkles, activates the production of collagen, controls pigmentation. Dermatologists recommend it even for fighting acne. It would seem, a miracle substance. But there are nuances. The skin needs to get used to it, and it will take from one to three weeks. However, the transition to the use of drugs with retinol can be painless. If you do not make mistakes.
1. The combination of retinol with "unfriendly" ingredients
If the cream with vitamin A is used together with products that contain alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) or salicylic acid, you are guaranteed redness of the skin. These substances are often found in cosmetics for the control of acne. Another unwanted partner is benzoyl peroxide. He simply deactivates retinol. To avoid unpleasant side effects or lack of effect, check the composition of the products that are applied before or after the cream with vitamin A.

2. Using retinol without "friendly" support
Retinol is a very powerful ingredient, but this does not mean that it can not be combined with anything. A normal moisturizing lotion will make with him a wonderful duo that will rid your skin of dryness and irritation. Studies show that retinol, applied to basic moisturizers, minimizes irritation without reducing the moisturizing effect of cosmetics.

3. Excessive use of retinol
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The formula "the more, the better" does not work here. When you start using cosmetics with retinol, mild irritation is acceptable, but only light. If your interlocutor is interested in what you have with a person, then you need to go to a dermatologist. A slight reddening and peeling may be noticeable only when examined closely. The effect of sunburned skin can be two reasons: either you took a remedy with excessively high retinol for your skin, or used cosmetics with vitamin A too often. In such cases, it is worth switching to a softer formula or applying the remedy only once a week until the skin gets used to it.

4. Inconsistency
Overloading the face with retinol is harmful, but the irregularity in its use can cause even greater harm to the skin. Let's say you used the cream for a week, frightened the reaction of the skin and put it aside for a month, and then decided to try again. With this approach, the skin will never get used to this product. And you will not get the desired result. Useful properties of retinol in full extent are revealed only with prolonged and systemic application. Addiction to retinoic acid is formed in skin cells only after two to three weeks of regular use of cosmetics with vitamin A. After this transitional period they cease to react to it by irritation. It's like having fitness. You will never achieve the perfect silhouette if you stop training as soon as the muscles get sore or aching. So with the rejuvenating effect of retinol. It will be seen only by those who will use cosmetics with vitamin A on a regular basis.

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