среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

How to cope with hair loss

How to cope with hair loss 5 5 1
Как справиться с выпадением волос
Female hair is an occasion for admiration of men and envy of rivals. Their excessive loss is a real problem. Do not wait until it passes by itself. It is better to take measures and eliminate the causes of hair loss. We will tell you how to influence this problem from the outside, and from the inside.

1. Our first advice is to reconsider your diet. Hair, like the whole body, needs nutrients. They need vitamins and minerals. Hair consists of more than half of protein. When you are struggling with hair loss, you need amino acids, namely: lysine, taurine, glycine and arginine. They strengthen hair like cement, nourish the hair shaft from the inside, moisturize it, and stimulate bulbs.
Also a common cause of hair loss is a lack of iron. A sign of a lack of iron is also "zaedy" - small wounds in the corners of the mouth. But to unequivocally find out the level of iron in the blood will help you a simple analysis. You can donate blood to iron in any laboratory, and it's not very expensive.
For the beauty of hair also meet the fatty acids Omega-3, 6, 9.
An important role in hair care is played by vitamins of group B.
A duet of vitamin E and D will make your hair less brittle. They should be consumed together, since without vitamin E D is not absorbed.
We recommend to include in the diet:
- Poultry meat, eggs - to get a protein from them.
- Beans, seeds, nuts - they are rich in zinc, protein, and biotin, which accelerates the growth of hair.
- Fatty fish is a source of omega-3 fatty acid, as well as iron and protein.
- Green leafy vegetables, bran, whole grain bread, dairy products - this is the food that will fill your body with vitamin B, zinc, calcium and iron.
Coffee and alcohol can make hair dry and brittle. Try to avoid drinking coffee or alcoholic beverages or reduce it to a minimum.
Read also: The most important vitamins and minerals for the beauty of your hair
2. Try to expose your body to stress as little as possible. Exposure to stressful situations, sedentary lifestyle, improper diet can make hair dull, dry. By the way, it contributes to hair loss. Therefore, try to lead an active lifestyle, eat right, do not take to heart what is happening in your work - reduce the level of stress in your life! Spend plenty of time for sleep - 7-8 hours a day.
3. Reduce the use of hair dryers, ironing, curling iron. Although special means and smooth out the negative effects of the effect of temperature on the hair, it is still not worthwhile to abuse thermo-styling. Hair very quickly deteriorate and recover for a very long time after that.
dropping out
4. To maintain the beauty and strength of the hair from the outside, we recommend the use of oils. The most effective for hair - shea butter, almond, avocado. Cope with dry hair, brittle tips will help you coconut oil. Also, you yourself can perform a head massage - it stimulates the flow of blood to the hair bulbs, which contributes to their growth.
5. Laser therapy - a method that "wakes up" sleeping bulbs of hair. Although he does not repair the damaged, the laser is still able to activate the growth of new hair. But before you do this procedure, consult your doctor.

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