пятница, 15 декабря 2017 г.

How to determine the type of skin and choose the right care?

How to determine the type of skin and choose the right care? 5 5 1
Как определить тип кожи и подобрать правильный уход?
Sometimes even the most expensive means for skin care do not give the desired result. The problem can be that they do not fit your skin type. Therefore, it is important to determine this type, and the necessary care should be selected taking into account it.

Morning check
Determine the type of your skin is best in the morning. First cleanse the face. No makeup on it should not be. Wait a couple of hours, then gently place a blotter on the center of your forehead. Hold it for about 15 seconds. Take one more napkin and attach it to the cheek under the outer edge of the eye. Now you need to look at both napkins and understand what kind of skin you have, and then choose the appropriate care for it.

Normal Skin
If you see a moderate amount of fat on two napkins, it means that the sebaceous glands work as needed, and the skin can be referred to normal. Recommendations for caring for her in this case will be as follows:
• Try not to use too hot and cold water for washing: they dry the skin. First, wash with warm water, and then - cool. The latter will help refresh your face and give it freshness.
• Do not pull on the skin when applying cosmetics to it. In view of this, elastic subcutaneous fibers are deformed and the face ages faster.
• For applying cosmetics in the eye area, use your ring finger. It is the weakest and minimally stretches the skin. To start to put or render cosmetics it is necessary from a brow, following to a nose.
• Try not to use cosmetics with exfoliating granules for the eyes and lips area, so as not to injure these tender areas.
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Dry skin
If on the napkins the traces of fat are very noticeable, your skin is dry. If they are not there at all, the skin type is very dry. Recommendations for you will be as follows:
• Use cleansers carefully. Put them with your fingertips, and remove the soaked in warm water napkin.
• Try to minimize the use of exfoliating products, as they tend to dry the skin even more.
• Before applying night cosmetics, moisten the face and neck with warm water.
• It is very important to use a moisturizer twice a day.

Oily skin
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About the fact that your skin is oily, it is worth talking in the event that large napkins remain on the napkins, and the fatter they are, the greasier and the skin. Recommendations will be as follows:
• Cleansing and toning of oily skin need more often than other types. Try to do this three times a day: in the morning, during the day and at bedtime.
• Use products with matting effect. Masks designed to absorb excess fat can help.
• Before applying makeup, apply to the skin two layers of a product that regulates the fat content of the skin. The first layer should be well absorbed, only then apply the second.
• Always apply crumbly powder on top of the foundation.
• During the day, keep a napkin close at hand, with which you can remove excess fat from the skin and restore the freshness of makeup.

Combined skin
If on two napkins the traces of fat differ in severity, for sure the skin is combined. In the care of her, the following rules should be adhered to:
• Cleanse the skin twice a day: in the morning, to remove the fat and dirt accumulated overnight, and in the evening, to eliminate the make-up residue and the effects of the environment.
• Apply a mask twice a week to cleanse the skin of dead cells, avoiding the eye area and lips. Remove it with a damp cloth.
• If the skin is sensitive or prone to rashes, do not use otolushivayuschie means, so as not to injure it even more.
• Twice a day use products to maintain the water balance of the skin.
• In the morning, use protective equipment that will help the skin resist negative influences from the outside and improve its appearance.
It is also very important to use cosmetics suitable for your skin type, so carefully study the packaging of the product before buying.

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