среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

How to maintain the beauty of hair in the heat

Как сохранить красоту волос в жару
Summer is a wonderful time of the year, and we all look forward to it. However, our skin and hair sometimes suffer very much from the scorching sun and high temperatures. As a result, the hair becomes dry, naughty and dull, the shade of them burns, and they become like straw. Especially destructive for the hair is our favorite sea. But here the main thing is to know how to take care of your hair, so that they retain their beauty in such a difficult period. To do this, use the following simple but very useful tips.

1. Use a sunscreen shampoo. Choose a product that contains filters from the ultraviolet. This will help preserve the shine, shade of hair and their natural beauty. Today, such hair products can be purchased at a pharmacy or cosmetic store. Also, when choosing a shampoo, be sure to read its composition. Let there enter vitamins, natural vegetable oils, extracts of grasses and collagen, which will help to preserve the beauty and health of the curls.

2. Be sure to wear a hat. This is especially true if you are in warmer places. The best solution is a light wide-brimmed hat that will protect both the hair and the skin. In addition, it looks very stylish.

3. In the summer, drink enough water - at least two liters. The sun provokes a serious loss of fluid by our body, which can lead to its dehydration, and, of course, negatively affect the condition of the skin and hair.

4. If you are going to hot countries , then remember that you can not do hair or dye your hair at least three weeks before departure. These procedures and staying in hot countries in combination can turn your hair elementarily into a loofah.
Read also: How to preserve the natural shine of hair

5. Be sure to take care of your hair during the rest period. After bathing in salt water, they should be washed with shampoo, apply a mask or vegetable oil for at least 40 minutes. Masks are best prepared by yourself using vegetable oils and liquid vitamins. Then your hair will look shiny and alive.

6. Use moisturizing and nourishing hair sprays. They are remarkably replenishing the supplies of moisture and essential nutrients. Also good funds are mousses, which have a high level of protection from the best ultraviolet.
Read also: Brave and bright: new ways to refresh hair color

7. Try not to create stress for your hair even more, using a hairdryer. So they will become completely dry and lifeless. At high temperatures in the street, the hair will dry for about ten minutes.

8. Remember about vitamins. Summer is a period of vegetables and fruits that you need to lean on. They are not only extremely beneficial to the body, but also help to keep our hair in good condition. It is also useful to take vitamin-mineral complexes for hair.

9. It is better to buy professional and quality hair care products for the summer. Although they are more expensive, they are much more useful for our curls than the products of the mass market, the quality of which often leaves much to be desired.

10. If you notice that the condition of your hair is deplorable , they split and look lifeless, then you must always lubricate the tips with special restoring agents, for example, ordinary vegetable oils, as an option. Especially useful is karite oil, which contains a lot of nutritional components, so it is often part of hair care products.

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