среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

How to strengthen and improve hair?

Как укрепить и оздоровить волосы?
It's time to take off your hats and hit everyone around with magnificent hair. But sometimes after a lot of piling, colds, lack of vitamins, not all women can boast of their hair. We will tell you how to make your hair restored, become beautiful and well-groomed.
1. Ensure proper care. The way you shampoo your head is of great importance. Of course, when the hair is healthy, strong, you do not often pay attention to what shampoo you buy. After all, in special funds for going to get hair, there is no need. But when you find the split ends or you realize that your hair has become excessively dry, thin or started to quickly become fat, you should take care to wash your hair with the shampoo that is right for your hair type. Also, hair care masks will not interfere. You can make them yourself from the products and oils that you have at home, or buy from the store.
2. Composition matters. Be sure to read what is written on the package. The composition of the shampoo is very important. It is better to give preference to rulers that are made from more or less natural components. Without silicones, since they harm the hair. The fewer chemicals in shampoos that you buy, the better.
3. Do not wash your hair often. Of course, if your hair is very quickly faded, and in daily washing there is an urgent need - then yes. But not in the case when you are just accustomed every morning to do the styling on washed hair. If they do not get dirty quickly, wash them at least twice a week.
4. Select the correct temperature mode. The temperature of the water that you wash your head is very important. The water should be warm, but in no case hot. Otherwise, you overdry your hair and harm it. In order not to tip ends, they should be rinsed under a stream of lukewarm water.
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5. Give up that spoils your hair. Exposure to high temperatures is very negative for the health and beauty of hair. And we continually burn them with irons, constantly dry them with a hair dryer. Clearly, it is difficult to completely abandon the use of these assistants. But still try to reduce their use to a minimum. Use thermal protection to reduce the negative effects of high temperatures.
6. Balance the power supply. Without proper nutrition, the beauty of the skin and hair is impossible. If you do not get the necessary amount of vitamins and nutrients, first of all it will affect the skin condition, and then it will affect the hair. They either become dull, lifeless, or begin to fall out. And sometimes negative symptoms come together. So eat everything you need for a stable and well-functioning work of your body.
7. Do not comb wet hair. It is a mistake to comb and collect hair as soon as you have washed it. In the wet state they are much more vulnerable and easier to damage than in the dry. That is why the hair immediately after washing should be left alone for a while, allow them to dry out a little and only then lay them.
With proper care your hair will again be beautiful, shiny and well-groomed. All in your hands!

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