вторник, 12 декабря 2017 г.

How to take care of hair in autumn and winter

How to take care of hair in autumn and winter 5 5 2
Как ухаживать за волосами осенью и зимой
In the autumn and winter, our hair is not in the best condition, and this is a fact. Many factors affect this: lack of vitamins, weather, temperature changes and so on. To help the curls look healthy and attractive, you need to provide them with proper care, taking into account the characteristics of the cold season.

What mistakes do we make in hair care in the fall and winter?
Temperature changes and wearing headgear are the main factors that negatively affect hair. The cap leads to a rapid contamination of the hair, prevents the scalp from breathing normally, and also slows the growth of the strands, because the nutritional components arrive at the locks quite problematically.
Many ladies, trying to avoid this, just do not wear hats, and make a big mistake. The difference between cold in the street and heat in the room is a stress for the hair from the roots to the tips. It is better to wash your head more often, but you should always wear a hat. Also note that you can not go out into the cold immediately after you have done the styling. Let the hair cool down after the temperature effect.
Another mistake is incorrect hair care, which instantly makes itself felt with split ends. It is especially important to do the styling correctly. Air above 45 degrees is able to quickly destroy the structure of the hair, so it is better to adjust the dryer to a more gentle mode. Spend more time on laying, but let it be safe, and you do not have to repair the strands for a long time. It is also better to sometimes give hair a break from a hair dryer, drying it in a natural way. But, in any case, do not go out into the street, if they are not completely dry.

8 reads about hair care
Hair care in the autumn-winter period
Adhere to the following recommendations:
  • Trim the tips of the tips. This will allow the hair to look more neat and healthy. It is useful to use indelible serums, and apply tips to the tips to prevent their cross-section.
  • Choose a means for hair, which includes vitamins A, B, E. It is useful to use vitamin complexes inside. It is also important to eat right.
  • Many women have a mixed type of hair, in which they have fatty roots, and dry tips on the tips. Note that it is better that the funds for the tips and scalp are different. For the ends are very useful natural oils and products that include them in themselves, and for the roots will be useful extracts of medicinal plants.
  • In winter, it is better to comb your hair more often. This will help improve blood flow and give hair bulbs more energy. Over time, the roots will strengthen. It is worth using a comb with natural bristles or ceramic denticles.
  • Try to straighten your hair as little as possible. Choose irons and curling irons with a ceramic coating.
  • Instead of cotton pillowcases use silk. You can simply soak the strands with a silk handkerchief. This material is very useful for hair. The stem of each hair is covered with a cuticle - a peculiar sheath. If the hair is healthy, the scales of the cuticle should fit tightly to each other. But if the hair is constantly confused and does not shine, then the scales will be as if elevated in different directions. With the help of silk, they can be smoothed, as the natural proteins in its composition return shine to the locks and prevent their electrification.
  • Apply hair masks. It can be both purchased means, and simple national recipes. You can use honey, egg yolk, aloe juice, saline and other natural ingredients.

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