среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

Men's opinion: the most sexy female hairstyles

Men's opinion: the most sexy female hairstyles 5 5 4
Мужское мнение: самые сексуальные женские прически
Looking good is our holy female duty, and not for someone, but primarily for ourselves. But for us it's important to like men, especially, the very one, the only one? It has long been no secret that often male and female opinions on style, fashion and beauty are radically different, especially in matters of hairstyle, make-up and manicure. Know the male preferences will not hurt. Let's see what men consider the most feminine and sexy.
1. Long loose curls
Men adore curls, but only if they look natural, and do not hang sadly under the weight of a ton of stowage. Those whom nature has awarded with natural curls, we can say, very lucky. If not - then you can always fix this with a curler or a large curling iron. But remember the naturalness, and use foam and hairspray in a minimal amount.
2. Smooth, loose hair
Also, men like perfectly straight long hair. They associate them with the image of the fatal temptress and thief of male hearts. To make the curls perfectly smooth, use a ceramic hair iron and a heat-resistant spray, so that the hair does not break and break under the influence of high temperature. To give a little volume to straight hair is also not forbidden: slightly lift them at the roots and tousle, which will add some slight lightness to the image.
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3. High tail
High ponytail is very like men because it emphasizes the beautiful curves of the line of shoulders and chest, and also opens the face. If you chose such a hairstyle for a date, then take care of makeup: focus on the eyes, leave your lips light and add volume to them with gloss. And do not forget about the large earrings: together with a similar hairdo, this is a win-win combination.
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4. Lateral spit
Spit has long been associated in men with feminine romanticism, tenderness and some naivety. If one straight braid can look too stern and boring, the lateral slightly loose pigtail will make the facial features nicer and add to you seductive elegance. A pair of side strands can be left free: this will add a little mystery.
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5. Easy chaos
If your hair is medium length, then you can create a trendy hairstyle in the style of creative disorder or light chaos. This laying is recognized as one of the sexiest, in the opinion of the male sex. You need to give the hair volume at the roots, lightly twist the strands on curling irons or curlers in different directions, and in the end, shake the hair a little, giving them a light lozenge.
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