среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

Rehabilitate hair to spring: 10 best home masks

Rehabilitate hair to spring: 10 best home masks 5 5 2
Реабилитируем волосы к весне: 10 лучших домашних масок
In winter, the condition of our hair deteriorates noticeably, because the effects of temperature changes, cold, hats affect them not in the best way. And in the spring so I want to finally show my hair to the world, and I want them to look properly. Rehabilitate them for the warm season will help simple recipes for masks for all occasions, which can prepare every girl at home without resorting to the help of beauty salons.
1. Mask for hair growth
The mask, due to which the hair will grow much faster, is made based on horseradish. To make a mask, you need two roots of medium size. Horseradish needs to be washed, peeled and rubbed. In the resulting mixture you need to add one tablespoon of sour cream or cream, one teaspoon of liquid honey, half a teaspoon of sunflower oil, half a teaspoon of lemon juice. This all mix and add one tablespoon of oatmeal. Hair is divided into strands, apply a mask, warm the head and keep the mixture for 40 minutes. Then wash your hair. This mask should be done twice a week for a month.
2. Mask for the revitalization of dry hair
To revitalize dry hair, a mask based on needles will help. To do this, you need to prepare the infusion: pour boiling water on the needles, cover and leave on low heat for forty minutes, then remove and let stand for 20 minutes. The resulting infusion should be filtered, add one whipped protein, one tablespoon of cognac, stir and add one tablespoon of cream or sour cream and one pre-whipped yolk. You will get a ready mask. Wash hair before washing and apply the mask for the entire length and on the skin, warm the head and keep the mixture for forty minutes, after which the hair is washed with shampoo.
3. Mask for freshness of fatty hair
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For owners of fatty hair, a beetroot mask is suitable. It will keep the freshness of hair and allow them to stay clean longer. To cook it, you need to wash one large beet, grind it on a grater, add a teaspoon of lemon juice. Then mix the resulting mixture, apply to the scalp and along the entire length of the hair, wrap the head with a towel along the hair growth line. After half an hour, the mask should be washed off with warm water and washed with a shampoo for a greasy hair type. This mask also removes dandruff. Do not use it for light hair, since the mask has a coloring effect.
4. Mask against dandruff
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To get rid of hair from dandruff helps a popular winter product - sauerkraut. Two tablespoons of cabbage juice and one teaspoon of warmed food should be mixed in enameled dishes. Stir the mixture thoroughly and let it sit for fifteen minutes. Before washing the head, divide the hair into strands, and rub the mixture into the roots of the hair, tie the head with a warm kerchief, after half an hour, wash it with a mild shampoo. Such a mask can be used an unlimited number of times.
5. Mask to restore the structure
To restore damaged hair, you need to prepare a mixture of one tablespoon of liquid honey, one teaspoon of aloe juice and one teaspoon of castor oil. Then apply it to the scalp and hair along the growth line and warm it with a handkerchief, leave for forty minutes. Then wash your head with a mild shampoo and rinse with nettle infusion for dark hair, or infusion of chamomile for light hair, then rinse curls with clean water. The mask should be repeated no more than twice a week, so that the hair is elastic and elastic.

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