среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

Strong and beautiful hair: seaweed hair cosmetics

Strong and beautiful hair: cosmetics for hair from seaweed 5 5 1
Сильные и красивые волосы: косметика для волос из морских водорослей
Seaweed has long been known for its curative properties, because they are actively used in the production of a huge number of cosmetics. Their various varieties are used for lightening pigment spots , moisturizing and rejuvenating the skin by producing collagen, and also in effectively combating cellulite. Unique cosmetic properties of seaweed can not be overestimated. They also benefit our hair.
Undaria pinnate (UNDARIA PINNATIFIDA), brown-green alga growing in the Pacific seas, is rich in calcium and B vitamins, vitamin C, magnesium and iron, alginates, folic acid and fucoxanthin. Algae, containing biologically active molecules, strengthens weakened hair and promotes their growth.
These useful properties of the plant were used by manufacturers of cosmetics under the trade mark GUAM , which has long proved itself in the market of natural cosmetics from seaweed.
GUAM UpKer_Collage_S_03_ with shadows
During the research it was proved that the scalp cells can be updated under the influence of useful substances that are part of this alga. They stimulate the production of the protein keratin, which is the most important component of our hair. This protein forms alpha-helical chains, which are resistant to destruction, and the structure of this protein is exactly the same as the structure of a human hair. The keratin protein molecule is mechanically strong, but short-lived, so it must be developed continuously, taking into account the frequency with which our hair is exposed to negative external influences, stresses, frequent staining and styling.
Such important properties of algae were used in the production of new hair care products GUAM UPKer.
Insufficient amounts of mineral salts make the hair bulb incapable of producing enough keratin. And as a result, our hair becomes thin and weak: split ends appear, hair loses its natural shine and becomes unpleasant to the touch.
The means of the new line GUAM UPKer help to keep the hair healthy, strengthen the structure of the hair shaft.
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Algae Undaria Pinnatifida Undaria Pinnatifida affects the protein component of the hair and has the ability to stimulate the production of keratin, which makes the hair stronger and the hair follicle viable, restores and strengthens the walls of the blood vessels that feed the hair follicle.
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For independent testing we used UPKer Restructuring Shampoo GUAM for all types of hair (including stained or clarified hair).
Within two weeks in the usual mode of washing the hair once every 3 days, elasticity and softness appeared, almost disappeared end-points. True, the volume was lost, which is usually present even without hair styling, since the hair became even too obedient. As for the growth of hair, the opinion after a short test can not be objective, since it is possible to track this parameter only after several months of using the product.
In general, the product liked, the manufacturer's declared useful results became visible almost immediately after the start of use, which means that with regular use the result and the curative effect will become more noticeable.
Therefore, we recommend this cosmetic brand to all those who like to care about their beauty and health and want to use really effective means .
Author: Julia Voropaeva

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