среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

The most important vitamins and minerals for the beauty of your hair

The most important vitamins and minerals for the beauty of your hair 5 5 2
Самые важные витамины и минералы для красоты ваших волос
Women tend to want to look beautiful. Therefore, putting ourselves in order, we daily make manipulations with the hair: we apply varnishes, foams, gels, we dry them with a hair dryer, we put them in a plate, ironing. And then masks, balms, shampoos, conditioners ... But whatever hair we do and whatever we try to nourish the hair "from the outside", they will not look luxurious if the body lacks the right substances. Let's see what kind of nutrition our hair needs, and what is better to give up for their beauty.
Protein. After all, mainly hair consists of proteins. Therefore, it is necessary to include in your diet products such as meat, fish, milk and eggs.
Vitamins of group B. They are the foundation of our hair. Without vitamin B1 hair lose its luster and begin to break down, without vitamin B2 hair quickly fats at the roots, while the tips become dry and brittle. Vitamin B3 is responsible for the amount of pigment in the hair. Therefore, when the amount of this vitamin decreases in the body, the hair begins to turn gray. B5 helps to strengthen the bulb - hair will fall out less if the body replenishes the supply of this vitamin in time. With a lack of vitamin B6, the scalp becomes dry, itching, dandruff appears. B10 helps to maintain the beauty of the color of the hair, thereby preventing hair from becoming gray, and also prevents them from falling out. Without B12 hair will begin to fall out. What products contain these miracle vitamins? Grains, beans, nuts, liver, meat, dairy products, bread, salmon, caviar, tomatoes, cabbage.
Also necessary for hair vitamins A (sources - fatty fish, eggs, liver), E (seeds, fruits, nuts), C (citrus, rosehip).

Iron. With a lower content of this mineral in the body, the hair begins to fade, to cut, to fall out. It is precisely women who are more likely to face iron deficiency. In order that you are not threatened, include in your diet prunes, beets, meat, raisins, spinach.
Read also: Hair care during pregnancy and after childbirth
Zinc is a regulator of hormones, an overabundance of which can provoke hair loss. Seafood, eggs, peas compensate for the lack of zinc in the body.
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Sulfur is involved in the formation of collagen - the basis of our nails and hair. Without the sulfur, the base of the hair is weakened. Meat, seafood, asparagus, seeds - these are the sources of sulfur.
Eat chicken meat and root vegetables so that your hair is elastic and strong. After all, these products contain silicon .

Calcium. Without it, the hair begins to fall out. With a lack of calcium in the body, a person is also more prone to stress. And stress is also the cause of hair loss. To ensure that calcium (found in dairy products) is well absorbed in the body, use it together with vitamin A and D (eggs, blueberries, carrots, dill, seafood).
As you can see, in order for you to have beautiful, strong, healthy hair, you should first watch your diet. A variety of hair care products - this is a minor.

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