среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

Topical hairstyles for business women

Topical hairstyles for business women 4 5 1
Актуальные прически для деловых женщин
For women business and successful, it is extremely important not only how they behave themselves and what they know how to do, but also how they look, after all, whatever one may say, they are met by the clothes. Our image is not only the clothes and shoes that we wear, but also our make-up, and, more importantly, the hairstyle. If you are a business lady, then you should pay special attention to your hair, so that they perfectly emphasize your status and express your style.

1. Haircut
Women who rotate in a business environment, you can even experiment with haircuts. They should be moderately strict, but stylish and modern. Pay attention to the variants of the type of all possible variations of square and bean, as well as cascades, stairs and the like. Haircuts for the boy also have a place to be, however, remember that they go far from everyone.

2. Hair color
hair color
What colors are suitable for a business lady? In fact, very many. Of course, all sorts of extreme shades like bright red and blue are best left to teens. But all the dark and natural light shades will be very welcome. It's better not to become a classic blonde, because the stereotypes in our society are still alive. But the image of a fatal brunette for a business lady is a very good option - it will simultaneously make you strict and sexy.
hair color2

Read also: How to cope with hair loss
3. Hairstyles
As for the hairstyles themselves, the choice here can be sufficient. For example, these options are relevant:

1) Smooth, loose hair. Always appropriate, suitable for any length and color of hair, always look strictly and sexually. You can experiment with parting.

2) The bundle and all its variations. We have long been fond of the beam for its universality and the possibilities of its wide application. For your business style will be appropriate to various of its options, both smooth and strict, and more careless and free.
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3) The pony tail. Another great option, very laconic, sexy and strict. And you can do it both in a very smooth version, and in a more playful.

4) Greek hairstyles. A stylish and romantic option is enough, which at the same time perfectly complements the most rigorous suits. They can be supplemented with various accessories that will make them even more attractive.

5) Spit. Also surprisingly good option for the image of a business lady, both in their usual form, and in different hairstyles based on them. There are many options, so do not be afraid to experiment, and you will become the most stylish and at the same time the most successful business woman.

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