вторник, 12 декабря 2017 г.

What if my hair falls out?

Что делать, если выпадают волосы?
Few will remain indifferent, watching as hair literally pour from the head, thinning. The rate of hair loss per day is about 100 hairs. But can we count how many lost them per day? In order to determine whether you suffer from the problem of hair loss, there is a simple test: separate a small string and swipe it with your fingers. If there are more than two hairs left in the hand, then it is worth taking measures to combat loss.

Why do hair fall out?
Hair loss can be associated with a variety of factors. For example, this process can cause diets on which women often sit, or simply an unbalanced diet. If the hair follicles do not receive the necessary nutrients, they die much earlier than the prescribed time. The lack of vitamins such as B5, B6, C, PP, magnesium, iron, calcium in the body has a harmful effect on the condition of the hair roots. But even if your diet contains a lot of useful, vitamin-rich foods, their absorption can be prevented by factors such as smoking or drinking alcohol, as well as some drugs.
Another reason why women lose their hair is a change in the hormonal background, often due to pregnancy, menopause, abortion, the use of birth control pills, and certain diseases of the endocrine gland. It is on the hair and affects first of all many health problems.
Another significant reason for hair loss - it's stress. Unrest, a sharp decrease in weight, depression - it's all capable of causing hair loss. But it does not begin immediately, but in 1-2 months from the moment of the experienced stress. It is worth noting that the level of hair loss can also be affected by temperature changes, so do not neglect the headdress in the cold.

How to cope with hair loss?
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Do not hesitate - you can overcome hair loss if you correctly identify the cause of their loss, and direct your strength to fight it. We will suggest several solutions to this problem.
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1. Watch your food . We wrote above that nutrition directly affects the condition and volume of the hair. So in your daily diet should contain enough iron and protein. You can scoop them out of poultry meat, lean beef, cottage cheese, fruits and vegetables. Do not forget about taking vitamins. Consult your doctor and ask him or her to give you the best course of multivitamins.
2. Choose the right comb for your hair. If you think that the comb is just a tool that helps to put the hair in order, then you are mistaken. This is a great way to also do scalp massage, activate blood flow to the roots and thereby start the process of hair growth. So pick a good comb for yourself and in the evening for several minutes comb your hair in different directions.
3. Provide external care. No wonder there are series of hair care for this or that sign. You just met on the shelves of shops and drugstores a line of cosmetics against hair loss. Do not be skeptical about such oils, conditioners, shampoos, because they contain useful components that can have a beneficial effect on the follicles, hair roots, activate the growth of new hairs.

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