среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

10 Reasons to Revise Your Hair Care

10 Reasons to Revise Your Hair Care 5 5 1
10 причин пересмотреть свой уход за волосами
If your hair becomes brittle, drop out in large quantities, it seems to you, for no apparent reason, it is worth considering that something is wrong with the body and shows it to you through hair loss. Let's see what problems this shows and how to deal with it.
Exposure to external factors can be detrimental to the hair. The environment in which we live is very dirty, and this can not but be reflected on the condition of the skin and hair.
Harm brings us salt water in the sea, and chlorinated from the pool. Emissions of plants and excessive stay under the scorching sun.
And often the cause of the damage is ourselves. Using wrong instruments and hair care products, we do them a very great harm.
So, you need to carefully choose a hair shampoo, as well as other products - balms, masks, rinsers. Decide on the type of your hair and choose the appropriate care for them.
Drying hair with a hair dryer also causes harm. It is better to dry hair on low temperature conditions, especially if you use a hair dryer daily.
To comb the hair you need the right comb. If you have straight hair, a massage will do, and if curly, it is better to use a scallop, the teeth of which are located at a sufficiently large distance from each other. Choose a comb of quality material.
Read also: How to maintain the beauty of hair in a cold period
Styling, waving with the use of a curling iron and ironing cause great harm to your hair. It is from thermo-devices that their structure collapses, they begin to be cut off, to break down. Therefore, we advise you to use special protective agents for thermal bonding. And it is better to minimize such methods of bringing the hair in order to a minimum.
Fixing agents (varnishes, foams, gels, mousses) should be used only by following the instructions given on them, since such remedies harm not only the hair, but also the scalp.
Responsible approach to the selection of hair dyes. Especially if you want to radically change the hue. In such cases, it is generally better to contact a hairdresser, since the effects of painting at home can not please you.
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See also: Top haircuts for hats
What about the internal causes of the violation of hair health, then they arise in consequence of such factors as:
- Lack of useful substances in the body: minerals, vitamins - this is the main cause of problems arising from hair. Therefore, try to ensure that all the necessary elements enter the body together with food. Or consult a doctor about a complex of vitamins.
- The consequence of taking certain medications can also be loss of hair. Therefore, if it is indicated in the list of side effects, it may be worth consulting with a doctor regarding the elimination of this deficiency.
- Stress, chronic fatigue, neuroses - another reason. Find time for work and rest, try to be nervous less or drink a course of sedative.
- Disturbance of the digestive tract and / or endocrine system. Happens, that hair loss is a signal that any organ has failed in work. It is necessary to immediately go through the examination and cure the harassing organ.
- Smoking. This habit harms not only internal organs and teeth, but also hair. In this case it is worth either quit smoking or continue to grow bald.
In any case, if you notice a worsening of the condition of your hair, consult your doctor to determine the cause. Do not self-medicate.

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