среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

The most useful winter hair masks at home

The most useful winter hair masks at home 5 5 1
Самые полезные зимние маски для волос в домашних условиях
Winter is fraught with depression not only for our reason, but for our hair. Under the influence of low temperatures, they become dry, brittle and lifeless, blood circulation slows down significantly, because the curls do not get enough of the substances they need, the growth processes slow down. But we, by all means, want to preserve their strength, health and beauty at the highest level, why various methods are used in the course. Of course, many well-known brands offer us a lot of money for winter care for curls, but it has long been known that home recipes are much more useful, effective and safer, as they are checked by time and our grandmothers. The following recipes of winter nutritional hair masks you can easily realize in reality at home, and the effect of them (especially with regular use) will be stunning. Just try it.

1. If you are the owner of fatty hair, then in the cold period you may encounter that your hair will become dirty even faster due to wearing the cap and look untidy. To prevent this and saturate strands of valuable substances will help this mask. Stir the yolk of the egg with a teaspoon of any vegetable oil and add a couple drops of castor. Apply the finished product for the entire length for about 20-25 minutes and warm it. Then thoroughly wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with water and add apple cider vinegar. The mixture neutralizes excess sebum, and your curls will stay fresh and clean for a longer period.

2. If your hair, on the contrary, is dry, then the mask with olive and castor oil (on a tablespoon) with the addition of a teaspoon of shampoo for your type of strips will help you. Rub it into the skin and leave it for 15-20 minutes, then rinse the hair well.

3. But the hair of mixed or normal type during this period suffer the most. They can be combed problematically, they split ends, the roots can look fat in the roots, and near the ends, on the contrary, they are very dry. If the condition of the strands is not very deplorable, there will be enough masks once a month, if the frosts they suffer are difficult, then do them two or three times a week. In this case, the following information is useful to you.
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The most popular components of home hair masks are raw eggs, olive, burdock and other vegetable oils, honey, dairy products, vinegar, cognac. They are famous for their nutritional and restorative action, so at least some of them can be found in all masks.
Clay masks are recognized as very useful, although they act very gently. They have a long history, and their effectiveness has been tested for centuries. You can buy clay of any shades in any pharmacy, but for the preparation of a mask it should be diluted with water to the consistency of thick cream or sour cream. Doing such a mask is about two times a week.
Already mentioned dairy products can be used for masks even in pure form. To do this, take the homemade yogurt or curdled milk and rub it into the scalp and spread it over the entire length of the hair, warm it and hold it for half an hour. Then you need to thoroughly rinse the product with warm water and a suitable shampoo.
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In the already well-known ingredients such as castor and burdock oil, liquid vitamin E can be added, as a result of which the nutritional effect of the mask will increase even more. Apply the mixture to damp hair and scalp for about 15 minutes, hold, and then wash with shampoo and warm water.
However, do not forget that masks alone are not enough to maintain your curls in good condition. Proper nutrition is very important. Try to lean on foods rich in protein, vitamins and trace elements - fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy products. Be sure to wear a hat, as it helps protect curls. And, of course, do not be nervous about trifles, because it negatively affects not only our mood, but also on the face and hair.

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