среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

The best natural means for winter hair care

The best natural means for winter hair care 5 5 1
Самые лучшие натуральные средства для зимнего ухода за волосами
In winter, our hair is subject to a heavy load: first, we have to wear hats, and secondly, frost and cold wind affect them extremely negatively. That is why we must pay special attention to hair care, since it will help to mitigate the negative effects of winter on our hair and keep in order their health and beauty. Therefore, one should follow the advice given to us by professional hairdressers and stylists. So, what to look for?

General recommendations for winter hair care
1. Try to comb as often as possible. This helps improve the blood supply to the scalp and strengthen the roots of the hair.
2. In winter it is better to refrain from staining, as for our curls it is a considerable stress.
3. It is necessary to cut the split ends of the hair: so they will look much more healthy and attractive. Also it is necessary to put on the tips of care products. For these purposes, castor and other natural vegetable oils are often used.
4. Watch your diet: let in the diet will be as much as possible products containing vitamins, including fresh fruits and vegetables.
5. Try to minimize the use of a hair dryer: at least occasionally the hair dry itself at room temperature.
Pay attention to the shampoo that you wash your head with. It should be selected individually, depending on your hair type. Avoid hot water during the washing process: it causes the hair to become more often dirty. Let the water be moderately cool and pleasant for your skin.
In order to activate the growth of your hair, of course, you can use the tools offered in stores. Pay attention to those series, which includes such useful natural ingredients as sage, rosemary, birch bark, herbs, and seaweed, which are a real storehouse of useful components. Also an excellent option is self-prepared masks and other hair care products that are absolutely safe and very effective. Below we will offer you some of these types of recipes.
Winter natural hair masks
Read also: How to maintain the beauty of hair in a cold period
1. Vegetable and essential oils
They are a real treasure of valuable components that feed our locks with power from within. You can add them to any shampoo and other products, and then they will be more fragrant, and, of course, much more effective.

2. Sour-milk products
These are the most simple and very useful at the same time masks. Just take natural kefir, yogurt or whey, and apply it to your locks an hour before washing.

3. Burdock oil
We already talked about natural oils, and burdock - one of the most effective. Lightly heat it up and apply on the entire length or dry tips, hold the hour and rinse.
10 reasons to revise your hair care
4. Potatoes
Simple potatoes will help to cope with the dryness and fragility of our hair. To do this, boil a few unrefined potatoes until cooked, then mash and add a couple of spoons of cream or sour cream. This mask is applied for the entire length, the head is warmed and held for about half an hour, after which it is well washed off. Well, raw potatoes, grated on a small grater and mixed with eggs and honey, can be an excellent tool for caring for oily hair, since it normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands.
5. Avocado
It is famous for its nutritious and moisturizing effect on the hair. Its combination with yogurt or yogurt is effective: this mask will saturate the hair with vitamins and will perfectly cope with the task of their nutrition. Hold it for half an hour and rinse with warm water.
6. Yeast
Yeasts have a protective effect on our hair, and in winter it is necessary as never before. To make such a mask, dilute them with kefir to a liquid slurry, apply on hair for 20-30 minutes, then rinse.

7. Cognac
Also a wonderful remedy that not only restores, but also helps to maintain a beautiful hair color. Pound one egg yolk with a tablespoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of cognac, hold for 30-40 minutes, then rinse.
8. Carrots
Carrots not only saturate the entire body with vitamins, but also saturates the hair in winter. Grate one root, add a few drops of castor oil, a teaspoon of sour cream and a little bit of strong tea leaves. Such a mixture is applied over the entire length, and lasts about 30-40 minutes, after which it is well washed off.

As you can see, it's not so difficult. Our usual products, which can be found in any refrigerator, can easily become the basis for useful recipes. Let your hair be healthy and beautiful this winter!

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