среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

10 Reasons Why Your Hair Fat

10 причин, почему жирнеют волосы
Oily hair is a very common problem for women. And to cope with this is not so simple, so we have to wash our heads very often and resort to tricky tricks that help at least for a short time to keep a fresh and neat look of our hair.
This type of hair is not always the result of heredity. Often it becomes a consequence of certain reasons. To unintentionally not activate the sebaceous glands on the skin of our head, we need to know why our hair becomes fat, and how we can avoid it.

Causes of fatty hair
1. The sexual cause of puberty. During this period the sebaceous glands produce sebum especially actively, as the hormonal background changes.
2. The same hormonal failures can be a consequence of menopause or pregnancy.
3. Another reason is the malfunctioning of the nervous system, which is associated with stress, fear and anxiety.
4. Often, the condition of the hair shows diseases of the digestive system and simply improper nutrition. Especially dangerous are fatty and fried dishes, excessively sweet or salty foods, pastries.
5. It can also be caused by an infection that develops within the body for a long time.
6. Genetics. And yet it does not escape from it anywhere. If fatty hair is the result of heredity, then it will be difficult to cope with this problem.

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Additional factors
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If you yourself are faced with fatty hair, then do not forget also that their condition is affected by the care that they receive. Fatiness of hair can be provoked by such factors:
- Drying with a hairdryer. Regular interaction with hot air dries the hair drastically, which activates the work of the sebaceous glands even more.
- Strong combing. Strangely enough, but the banal comb can stimulate the glands so strongly that they immediately begin to produce subcutaneous fat, which subsequently covers the hair roots.
- Wrong means for hair care. On cheap shampoos often write that they are ideal for all types of hair. Trust this especially not worth it, it is better to use professional or organic cosmetics.
- Hot water. When we wash my head in hot water, the temperature drops contribute to the hair loss. Remember that the water temperature should not be above 40 degrees.

Considering all the above, those ladies whom nature has "awarded" with fatty hair, should reconsider their habits, lifestyle, nutrition and, of course, hair care.

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