среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

How to revive dry, brittle hair?

Как оживить сухие ломкие волосы?
Every woman wants to be the owner of luxurious chic hair. I want them to be shiny, silky. But in the pursuit of fashionable hairstyles and styling, we very much damage our hair. Just think about the damage caused by hair coloring, thermal styling, hair dryer. With all this, not every woman watches to properly set the temperature on a curling iron or ironing, and does not worry about the means of protection from exposure to high temperatures. But all this lasts exactly until the hair begins to deteriorate - become dull, brittle, dry, split. Then you want to restore them as soon as possible, restore their former beauty. How to do it? Read more in our article!
1. First of all, ensure that they have proper, gentle care. In the fight for healthy hair you will have to forget about such styling tools as a curling iron and ironing. Try not to use them at all. And if nevertheless there is an urgent need to do laying and without the use of thermal instruments this is impossible, then at least set them at the minimum temperature of heating. Try also to dry your hair naturally. After all, when they dry, they absorb the moisture that they need so much. Of course, you should not be categorical in using a hair dryer and run to a business meeting with wet hair. Just if you have the opportunity to wash your hair and do not go anywhere to let them dry yourself, use it.
By the way, regarding the process of washing hair. For owners of brittle, damaged hair, it is especially necessary to monitor the temperature regime, including water. It should in no case be hot. It is best if the main length you wash in water at room temperature. Tips and can be rinsed in cold water. If you have dry hair, it is undesirable to wash your hair every day. The optimal number of "pomyvok" per week - one or two. More frequent hair washing harms them. Combing wet hair is strictly prohibited. By the way, when choosing a comb, give preference to a brush or scallop made from natural materials. For example, from a tree.
2. Moisturize your hair. Where without it? You can purchase special products in a store with professional cosmetics or make hair masks at home. A perfect remedy for dry and damaged hair is coconut oil. It is sold in pharmacies. All you need is a little to warm up the oil in a water bath and apply it to your hair. Then wrap them in a towel and hold the mask for at least a couple of hours. Once a week, it is recommended to make this mask for the whole night.
Read also: How to get rid of split ends on your own?
3. Pay attention to the diet. Certainly your body needs water. The sebaceous glands react sharply to the lack of water, causing the hair to become dull. And from the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, hair can be cut, fall out, lose brilliance. So try to give up eating dry. Give preference to the right diet, which would allow your body to get everything that it needs. And you will be very pleasantly surprised by the result, when you see that not only the hair, but also the skin color, nails, general health have changed for the better!
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