среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

11 secrets for very soft hair

11 секретов для очень мягких волос
In the summer our hair undergoes severe tests: heat, humidity, scorching sun and sea salt water. For a week of vacation you can spoil the luxurious head of hear. But these problems are solved. Dry, brittle and burnt hair can be reanimated if you follow several tips.

1. Power
This has been said a thousand times, but it is really very important. Your health and beauty directly depend on what is in your plate. For beautiful hair, eat foods with protein and omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids.
If the hair is dry or brittle, you need to eat fatty fish (herring, tuna, salmon), nuts, cereals, olives. Drink one and a half to two liters of ordinary water per day.
Greasy hair? You need more cereals, nuts, eggs, legumes, cereals, vegetables and greens.
The lack of zinc makes your hair dull. Also, the problem may be a shortage of tyrosine (it affects the complexion, hair, the appearance of gray hair). Add to the diet bananas, avocados, dairy products, almonds and pumpkin seeds.
If you are important to the beauty of your hair and the state of the body as a whole, give up fast food, fried foods, sweets and canned food.

2. Rarely wash your hair
Read also: To make hair grow faster
Experts advise washing your hair once or twice a week. But many girls wash them every day. To the hair was moisturized and healthy, they need fat, which we wash every day. Dry shampoo will help to bring hair into a normal appearance without too frequent washing.

3. Aloe
Aloe - a real treasure for hair beauty. This plant improves their growth, moisturizes and retains moisture.

4. Cold showers
Splashing in the icy water can not every girl. But you can overcome yourself and allocate one minute for hardening. Duration over time should be increased. Cold water will positively affect the health of hair.

5. Apple cider vinegar
The usual apple cider vinegar is just as good as expensive care products. Rinsing hair with apple cider vinegar will make them soft, moisturized and bright, protect from the tips of the tips.

6. T-shirt instead of a towel
Read also: How to properly wash your hair?
A 100% cotton T-shirt, which you no longer wear, will be an excellent replacement for a towel. Hair will become much softer.

7. Hairdryer
The less you blow the hair with hot air, the more beautiful they will be.

8. Protection against high temperatures
When using a hairdryer or ironing pad, apply a special remedy on the hair that protects from exposure to high temperatures.

9. Masks
The choice is huge: both purchased masks, and prepared independently from natural products (kefir, oil).

10. Do not forget about the tips
The tips are brightly manifested in the summer. Heat and sun damage the health of the hair. Regularly trim the tips and apply a conditioner to moisturize.

11. Regular haircuts
Even if you dream of long hair, you need to trim them and cut off the tips at least once in six months: the hair will grow better and look neater.

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