среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

Why hair gets fat: Top-10 reasons

Why hair gets fat: TOP-10 reasons 1 5 1
Почему жирнеют волосы: ТОП-10 причин
Girls who are predisposed to a fatty type of hair very often suffer from this. Completely eradicate this problem is almost impossible, so you have to wash your hair every day or use cosmetic products that can mask the defect. As a rule, the propensity for fatty hair is not inherited, but is acquired for one reason or another. To find the most optimal method for dealing with this problem, it is worthwhile to find out why it appears. For this purpose we give in our article 10 most common reasons.
1. One of the most common causes of oily hair is the period of puberty , during which the body undergoes hormonal failure, restructuring. And the sebaceous glands begin to actively produce sebum.
2. Pregnancy, menopause - this is also quite good reasons for changing the hormonal background and changes in the work of the sebaceous glands.
3. If you are often subjected to stress, fear, nervous for various reasons - this all provokes a malfunction in the work of the nervous system. This is also an occasion for increased fatty hair.
4. It's not a secret to anyone that nutrition also affects our health in many ways. From it, at least, depends the beauty of nails and hair. If you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - do not be surprised that the hair fats quickly. Also this unpleasant process can provoke sweet, fried, fatty foods, flour products. Be sure to revise your diet if you want to get rid of this problem.
Read also: How to properly wash your hair?
5. To find out the possible cause of fatty hair, it is also worth paying attention to how you care for them. Frequent drying with a hair dryer, especially at high temperature conditions, causes the hair to dry and provoke increased secretion of subcutaneous fat.
6. Even such a simple and ordinary procedure, like scratching , can cause oily hair. Especially if you spend a lot of time on it, comb your hair too carefully. Such a scalp massage can strengthen the work of the sebaceous glands, which produce subcutaneous fat. And he quickly covers himself the entire length of the hair.
comb out
See also: 11 secrets for very soft hair
7. Wash hair in hot water. Remember that the optimum temperature for washing your head should not be above the natural body temperature. Otherwise, you also overdry the scalp and provoke the work of the sebaceous glands. It is harmful and for the tips of the hair, which from the hot water begins to break and be cut off. Be careful in choosing the temperature regimes for hair care.
8. Applying the wrong shampoo. If you have a tendency to a certain type of hair, then try to choose the appropriate care for it. And in general, it is better not to save on the means for caring for the body. In inexpensive mass-produced shampoos, chemical substances are often added that adversely affect the structure of the hair.
9. Sometimes the reason for increased fat content of hair can be a prolonged presence of infection in the body .
10. Sometimes the propensity for fatty hair is inherited to us. In this case, alas, it is almost impossible to eliminate this - just accept and choose the right care, which will slow the secretion of subcutaneous fat.

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