среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

How to properly put hair in the heat?

Как правильно укладывать волосы в жару?
In summer, the main efforts to care for the hair should be aimed at preventing the curls from getting damaged under the sun. After all, if you do not take any measures, the hair will very soon become dry, weakened, brittle. Do not forget about this when you create styling with the use of styling tools. We will show you how to style your hair in the summer so as not to harm them. Forecasters promise that August will be the hottest month of summer!
What means for fixing hair to choose?
You know that there are a lot of tools for fixing stacking. However, it is worth remembering that:
• Penki and mousses are definitely not suitable for heat. If their composition does not include alcohol, they heavily weight the hair. If it does, it is exhausted and the hair is forced to dry. Especially you should beware of using these products for those who have dry or curly hair.
• Gels heavily weighed hair, making hair look sloppy. Despite the fact that the gel is considered one of the most popular and universal means for styling, it is worth to refuse it for the summer especially if you have long hair.
• Homemade products containing lemon juice and sea salt have a bad effect on the structure of the hair under the influence of the sun. Do not use such styling products or find a recipe that does not use the above ingredients.
Instead of these funds in the summer, give preference to these fixatives:
See also: 11 secrets for very soft hair
• Lucky. Unlike other styling products, the lacquer does not make the hair heavier, it protects them well from the sun and copes well with fixing any hairstyle. You can use them in the heat without eating for health, although you need to know the measure - do not use the varnish daily.
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• Spray. This tool is simple enough to use, it is long enough, and it has a practically weightless structure. He does not make a drop of hair, falls on laying with a light even layer, and at the same time provides hair care, protection from temperatures. The only minus of sprays: they are not suitable for girls with hard hair. It is best to lay soft, gentle curls with it.
• Cream. To date, in the stores you can find special creams that have the effect of fixation. As a rule, the list of their functions also includes protection of hair from ultraviolet radiation. Can be used as a thermal protective agent.
What hairstyles to do in the summer?
In summer, the temperature of the air is heated to the limit. So if you want to feel more or less comfortable in the heat, hair is best to pick. Owners of medium-length hair or long-haired girls are best able to master the techniques of weaving braids, to collect hair in buns, bunches or ponytails. Alternatively, you can make a hairstyle in the Greek style. If you decide to go to the street at the height of the day, you will quickly sweat, the area under the hair, on the back of the head, will become wet. This applies to the hair at the roots. From this they will have a very neglected and sloppy look. Do not be lazy to spend 10 minutes trying to find your hair! This will greatly facilitate your fate, when the thermometer indicators approach or cross the "30" mark.

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