среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

Procedures for hair: why wait in the salon?

Procedures for hair: why wait in the salon? 5 5 1
Процедуры для волос: чего ждать в салоне?
When a girl comes to a beauty salon in order to bring her hair in order, she can not always figure out what the procedure is offered to her by the master. After all, now in the beauty industry there are so many fashionable procedures that they are incredibly difficult to follow. We will tell you about the most common hair care procedures, so you can quickly navigate in what exactly you need.

1. Laser helmet for hair growth. This invention - in fact, is still a novelty, since the hair care market appeared relatively recently - 5 years ago. The appearance of this device is indeed a helmet. It must be worn on the head and held in it for a while. The inventors of this device insist that it lets low-intensity laser beams into the scalp and thus affects the hair growth points. In the subcutaneous layers blood circulation improves, which also provokes the acceleration of hair growth. Now this miracle-helmet can be found not only in beauty salons, but also buy yourself home. But before making an expensive purchase, it is better to consult a specialist about the feasibility of this purchase. Naturally, the helmet has a number of contra-indications to use, which should be read in advance.
2. Kovoshing. Another strange name, which implies a very simple procedure. This term came from the merger of two English words - "conditioner" and "washing". In practice, the procedure is washing the head with a hair conditioner alone, without resorting to the use of shampoo. This procedure appeared when the trichologists stated that often the use of shampoo badly affects the health of the hair. During the cantilever, the mater rubs a specially selected air conditioner into your hair. It lasts for 20-25 minutes - this can be called a full-fledged head massage. Experts say that after kovoshinka hair becomes obedient and soft.
3. Pyrophoresis. Quite an eerie name. Associated with pyrotechnics, fire and causes a little eerie images in my head. And when you learn the essence of the procedure - and do horrify. Pyrophoresis is the cutting of fire. But in fact you should not be frightened. The beauty industry works exclusively to make your life better, and you - more attractive, and not just set fire to your hair. In order to prevent your hair from burning, they will be wetted before starting the procedure. Further on the entire length of the hair is applied a special ointment, which the master selects for each client individually. After that, the hair is burned with fire. He, interacting with the ointment, has a therapeutic effect on the hair. And in fact, at the end of the procedure, the head of hear looks more beautiful, well-groomed than at the very beginning. But only before agreeing to do this with your hair, be convinced of the competence of the master. In the presence of appropriate certificates and documents that can confirm that he is allowed to practice pyrophoresis.
4. Mesotherapy. This procedure is aimed at solving various problems with the skin of the body and face, as well as improving the condition of the hair. In order to give a healthy appearance to the weakened hair, a prick with vitamins, minerals and amino acids is produced in the scalp of the head. But, like other procedures, mesotherapy for hair has a number of contraindications, and notable results will be achieved only after 10-15 sessions.
Read also: How to properly wash your hair?

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