пятница, 15 декабря 2017 г.

5 natural cosmetics ingredients for youthful skin

5 natural cosmetics ingredients for youthful skin 5 5 2
5 натуральных ингредиентов косметики для молодости кожи
What to look for in the creams and serums to make the skin look fresh and shine with health.
Against wrinkles
Let's not deny that the most effective anti-aging ingredients and activators of collagen production are the result of the work of chemists. But do not underestimate the old-good natural Ingredinets, which can compete with your c intimate colleagues in the fight for the youth of your skin.
Retinol. The first in this list is retinol. It is a derivative of vitamin A - an essential component of healthy young skin. True, most beauty products c will keep it artificial (to some extent) analogs. Why? Vitamin A in pure form is obtained from beta-carotene, and this is a powerful dye that gives carrots a characteristic color. You do not want your skin to acquire such a cheerful shade. Adepts of natural cosmetics should look for funds with retinol in the assortment of brands that produce organic, natural and bio-cosmetics.

Oils. Those wishing to smooth out wrinkles with something as natural as possible means with sunflower, pomegranate or camellia oil. These components are a storehouse of antioxidants. They protect the skin from unfavorable environmental factors (put them on top of sunscreen) and, thanks to the high content of vitamin E, contribute to the production of their own collagen.
Against a dull complexion
Sugar. Recently, we were almost persuaded that sugar and good words are not worth it. In his defense, it is worth saying that this is one of the best exfoliants for sensitive skin. Scrub based on sugar melts during the course of action, so it is almost impossible to overdo it. Use it once a week to release the skin from keratinized cells that prevent the skin from shining.
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10 important rules of beauty care

Acids. Help and peelings with alpha and beta hydroxy acids. Fruit acids dissolve bonds that hold dead cells on the surface of the skin. The queen of all alpha hydroxy acids is considered glycolic. In cosmetics, it is not always of natural origin, although its natural source is vegetables and fruits with a high sugar content.

Against age spots
Antioxidants. Natural ingredients such as soy extract, pion extract, viniferin (a polyphenol derived from a vine), daisy extract, a root of a licorice, can brighten pigment spots and reduce the production of melanin, but again they are not as effective as their synthetic analogues (the most famous is hydroquinone). Look for these ingredients in the daily creams and serums. Apply in the morning. Most of these ingredients are also effective antioxidants that fight the number one threat for youthful skin - with vobodnye radicals.

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