пятница, 15 декабря 2017 г.

5 reasons for the appearance of wrinkles, not related to age

5 причин появления морщин, не связанных с возрастом
The wrinkles that appeared at the lips, on the neck, in the corners of the eyes, seem to us a sign of aging. But the cause of wrinkles can be not only age, but also other factors. An important role is played by age and genes, but there are things that can be influenced. These five factors can worsen the skin, adding you a few years. To look younger, you will have to give up some habits.

1. Protection from the sun
To look younger, you need to regularly use sunscreen. 90% of the signs of aging of our skin are manifested due to the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Many women use the means to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation only in the summer when they start walking to the beach. But these funds are not just for the beach. When you walk around the city, the sun affects you. A little sun is useful for making vitamin D, but prolonged exposure to sunlight without protection will age your skin ahead of time.

2. You live in the city
The polluted air of big cities is harmful not only for breathing, but also for the skin. People who are regularly exposed to exhaust fumes, soot and other contaminants, are previously faced with the problem of wrinkles. Do not want to look older, but can not move to an ecologically clean village? Eat foods rich in antioxidants: berries, leafy vegetables, fish. Also use cosmetics with antioxidants (whey with vitamin C, for example).

3. Food
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Everyone knows that sugar is the enemy of a slender waist. Also sweets negatively affect the skin condition. Together with other high-carbohydrate and high-glycemic products, sugar causes inflammation on the skin, creates molecules that weaken elastin and collagen. If you do not need early wrinkles, give up white bread. Choose whole wheat bread and pasta from hard wheat varieties.
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4. Smoking
If the fear of cancer, lung and heart disease has not yet convinced you to stop smoking, maybe caring for your beauty and youth can do it. Cigarettes very old skin. Lips tighten in the tube, when you tighten - there are wrinkles near the lips. And the inhalation of harmful substances strikes your skin from the inside: it looks flabby and faded. The earlier you quit smoking, the more chances to keep youth.

5. Nedosyp
If nedosyp for you - the usual state, you know: this negatively affects your beauty. Because of lack of sleep, stress occurs, the stress hormone cortisol is actively produced. It promotes inflammation on the skin and the appearance of wrinkles. During sleep, our body rests, skin regeneration occurs, and if sleep is not enough, it manifests itself on the skin. To get rid of wrinkles before the term, get enough sleep.

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