пятница, 15 декабря 2017 г.

8 mistakes in the care of the skin around the eyes

8 mistakes in the care of the skin around the eyes 5 5 4
8 ошибок в уходе за кожей вокруг глаз
Wrinkles around the eyes, as a rule, make themselves felt first of all, which is why these delicate areas of the skin need so much, and most importantly, timely care. We will tell you about the most common mistakes, so that you will learn how to do exactly not, and what to do if you have already allowed some of them.

Mistake No. 1. Begin caring for the skin around the eyes in adulthood
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Begin to take care of your skin from the age of 18. It is best to take care of the skin around the eyes from the time you started using mascara.
If you still do not do anything, start right now - do not lose a single day. Address to the cosmetician and pick up an arsenal of suitable toning up, clearing and nutritious agents.

Mistake No. 2. Consider that wrestling is not washed away
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Of course, we all grow old, and the appearance of wrinkles is inherent in us genetically. But the sense to fight with aging is definitely there!
By providing our skin with quality and regular care, we can overcome the genetic predisposition to wrinkles, premature aging and much more. One has only to start to do something. Remember that only inaction is meaningless.

5 myths about skin care that harm
Mistake No. 3. Remove eye make-up with an ordinary cleanser
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The delicate skin around the eyes requires an equally delicate cleanser. Fortunately, the cosmetic industry is ready to offer a huge selection of the latter.
Many do not understand why a conventional remedy is not suitable for removing eye make-up. We explain: since the skin around the eyes has almost no pores on it, there are no fat separations that neutralize the usual cleansers - that is, they eventually dry out the skin. And this in turn leads to the appearance of wrinkles, with which we , in fact, are trying to fight.

Mistake No. 4. Irregular use of eye cream
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The skin around the eyes requires daily care. The less that you can do is apply a moisturizer in the mornings and evenings.
It is also desirable to use soothing means, especially if you strain your eyes during the day with a long sitting at the computer.

Error number 5. Use only one remedy
5 reasons for the appearance of wrinkles, not related to age
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If you are struggling with some disadvantage, this does not mean that you are taking care of the skin. For example, if you use a remedy for dark circles under the eyes, then you do not nourish and moisturize the skin , you solve with it only one specific task and no more.
Stock up with an arsenal of uhodovyh funds that will comprehensively take care of the delicate skin around the eyes.

Mistake No. 6. It's not right to apply eye cream
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Improper application of the product is fraught with swelling of the eyes and various irritations. This is due to the fact that the agent falls on the eyelashes, and from there - directly to the surface of the eye.
Try to apply the cream gently, stopping at a distance of a centimeter to the eye.
Do it neatly and in any case, do not get in your eyes with your hands, not washed after the cream. No matter how ridiculous this advice sounded, many still repeat this old childhood mistake.

Error number 7. Stretch the skin around the eyes
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This often occurs during improper application of the cream. We tell how to do it in reality: apply a small amount of cream on the ring finger and distribute it evenly between the ring finger of the second hand. The first point of the cream should be placed at the outer corner of the eyes. Then a few under the eye to the bridge of the nose and then from the bridge of the nose under the eyebrow line. After applying the points, the cream should be gently grinded, without stretching the skin and making wide and sharp movements.

Mistake No. 8. Use sleep masks for travel only
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Or do not use them at all. Such masks relieve the strain on the eyes, lead to muscle relaxation, which in itself minimizes the risk of wrinkles.
In addition, with a mask you will fall asleep more tightly and serene, and next morning you will look simply stunning. So be sure to get yourself one or do not forget to use the one that you already have at home.

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