пятница, 15 декабря 2017 г.

7 mistakes at washing which you suppose

7 mistakes in washing that you allow 5 5 1
7 ошибок при умывании, которые вы допускаете
Carefully study these seven mistakes during washing, so that they will never be allowed to again.

1. You do not wash your hands before washing
wash oneself
Perhaps this seems to you an optional step, because the hands will still be in the cleanser. But it is very important that your face is as little as possible in contact with bacteria. Therefore, before touching your face, rinse thoroughly.

2. You just wash and do nothing else
By washing you just prepare the skin for further care procedures. If you do not have time - use a tonic: it will restore the natural balance of the skin and narrow the pores. And in the end, apply a moisturizer.

3. You do not change the means to cleanse
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Imagine that this summer you found the ideal micellar water. Even if now it is an ideal remedy, in winter the skin needs a completely different care. Weather and climate have a huge impact on the skin condition, so it is important to choose the remedy that is necessary for it right now. If you are a real beauty, you can alternate funds not only for the seasons, but also for months and even weeks.

4. You use the scrub too often or do it wrong
Too frequent use of scrub is drying the skin and can even lead to damage to blood vessels and discoloration of individual areas. Use a scrub once or twice a week (no more) and make sure that you use a quality non-rigid scrub from natural ingredients, for example jojoba.
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5. You use the scrub too aggressively
Do not try to drive the scrub deeper into the skin. This will only lead to wrinkles and aggravate acne. Apply scrub in a circular motion without pressure. Owners of very sensitive skin should stop scrubbing and use less irritating agents for cleansing: micellar water or cleansing wipes on a cream base.

6. You wash your water with the wrong temperature
Hot water helps open the pores, so that during the application of the scrub, it penetrates deeper into the skin. Cold water pores narrows and stimulates cell renewal. First, wash with warm water, and in the end - with cold water.

7. You wipe your face dry
Before the next time you decide to scrub the face with a towel, make sure it is clean. It is better to have one at home, designed exclusively for your face, and do not use it for wet hair or hands. Lightly pat the skin with a towel and leave to dry completely in a natural way.

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