пятница, 15 декабря 2017 г.

7 beauty mistakes that you allow in the morning

7 beauty-bugs that you allow in the morning 5 5 1
7 бьюти-ошибок, которые вы допускаете утром
In the cold season it is necessary to disassemble and its beauty cabinet, leaving in it the most nutritious, saturated with moisturizing ingredients and oils. In autumn and winter, facial skin is especially prone to dehydration, suffers from a deficiency of vitamins, is weathered and irritated. Begin a thorough care from the very morning and do not allow fatal mistakes, which we will discuss below.
1. Do not wash
wash oneself
In the morning, many girls just rinse their face with water, which is fundamentally wrong. At night the sebaceous glands work just as actively as during the day. Just imagine what happens to the skin when you apply makeup directly to the remains of sebum. In the morning, you should wash with gels and foams in the same way as in the evening.
2. Squeeze out the pimples
Unfortunately, this happens. You wake up, find a pimple on the tip of the nose and then rush to squeeze out when you just need to leave it alone. Remember that if bacteria are introduced, they will penetrate deep layers of the skin and instead of just one small pimple, you will receive a hundred more shortly. Better use the corrector, and at night apply a remedy for local imperfections.

3. Use hot water
5 things to note about a good moisturizer
On a cold morning, getting out from under the blanket, we run to the shower and wash with hot water to keep warm. Yes, it gets warmer, but only "boiling water" mercilessly dries the already dehydrated skin. Realizing that you do not dare to think about washing with cold water, we recommend slightly warm water, it acts much softer.

4. Use peeling
Scrubs help in daily care for flaky skin, but doing it in the morning is contraindicated. The fact is that during the procedure you open the pores, and the cosmetics clog them as soon as you apply the funds. Deep cleansing is reasonable to leave for the evening or do before bed.
Read also: How to use a tonic for the skin?

5. Forget about the three stages of care
The only way to get clean, fresh and resilient skin of the face is to follow the same scenario every morning: first clean it, then use a tonic and how to moisturize at last.

6. Violate the order of water procedures
Most girls in the morning first washed, and only then takes a shower and washes his head. If you are one of them, you must upset: there is no logic in this sequence. When washing hair, the exhaust gases that settled on them, dust, sebum leach onto the face, nullifying the action of the cleansing agents. First, wash your head and body, and only then your face.

7. Do not protect yourself from the sun
Legends are making up for the benefit of the SPF funds , and not for nothing. Even BB- cream should be with a high factor of protection from ultraviolet (not less than 20). This will help to avoid early wrinkles, age spots, excessive dryness.

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