среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

7 rules of hair care in winter

7 правил ухода за волосами зимой
In the winter, our locks require special care. Low temperatures, dry air in the premises, lack of vitamins and minerals - all this is not the best way to display their condition. How to protect the hair from this action and preserve their beauty? The following tips will help you in this.
1. The right tools
Means for care of hair in the winter should be picked up competently. Usually in the winter our locks are drier at the tips, and more fatty at the roots. Therefore, the shampoo should be gentle and gentle, it is good, if its composition will include only natural ingredients. After washing the hair, it is worth using a restoring or moisturizing conditioner that will prevent overdrying.
2. Recovery
Good special masks. Let them contain vitamins B1, B5, B6, F, as well as glycolipids, phospholipids, essential oils, for example, orange, proteins, amino acids. All these elements will provide an opportunity to provide strands of deep restoration. Massage masks are applied to damp and carefully wrung hair. After application, cover them with a film and a towel and keep at least 15 minutes.
3. Power supply
7 things to do in hair care
In winter, our hair is very necessary for quality food. Serums and other products that do not require rinsing will help. Usually their composition is suitable for such purposes, and they have a quick effect. They have many active ingredients that positively affect the hair condition, saturate them with moisture and give the hair a healthy appearance.
4. Moistening
In winter it is important to prevent overdrying of hair and scalp and restore the water balance in the body. Here you will be helped by ordinary water, which you must drink in sufficient quantities. Special moisturizers for hair are also useful. In addition to their main purpose, they are also useful in that they are struggling with the current winter problem of electrifying the hair.
Read also: Comfortable and simple winter hairstyles
5. Vitamins
Our hair always needs vitamins, but in winter this need triples. Adhere to the right and varied nutrition, saturated with vitamins and trace elements. Also useful are multivitamin complexes and so-called "beauty vitamins" for hair, nails and skin.
6. Blood supply at the level
In the winter, cold leads to the fact that the vessels narrow, and the skin does not fully receive the necessary substances delivered with lymph and blood. Hair for this reason is severely affected, and their roots become weak. Experts advise to apply a special head massage, which helps hair to get all the important elements and stimulates their growth.
7. Protection against dandruff
Wearing hats and temperature drops often lead to dandruff and other dermatological problems. To get rid of this problem, pay attention to gentle shampoos, which are designed specifically for dry and damaged hair. Natural oils, especially tea tree oil, will also be useful here. Showing masks based on olive, castor and other vegetable oils.

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