среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

Comfortable and simple winter hairstyles

Удобные и простые зимние прически
Even in the cold, we want to look stylish and attractive, and one of the aspects of this is our hairstyle. In winter, the situation is complicated by headgear and negative effects of low temperatures and wind. That is why hairdresses for this period should be as simple and convenient as possible, and at the same time attractive from the aesthetic point of view. Of course, this is possible, and we will give you some interesting options.

1. The ponytail
A very simple and comfortable hairstyle that will save you in the winter, too. If you think your hair is too sparse, then you can supplement the tail with the overhead locks that will give the volume and make the hairstyle more spectacular.

2. Low tail
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And low tails are comfortable to wear under the cap. You can tie them to one side or straight, you can weave ribbons into them and complement them with other elements. It looks good on straight or curly hair.

Read also: Top-8 secrets of hairstyles from stylists of stars
3. Hairstyles with braids
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The braids were in vogue in the summer, and with the arrival of the colds nothing has changed. In winter, you can also find a lot of interesting applications for them. For example, the braids of braid are popular in loose hair. Locks, where several braids are lost, will look very impressive. Also, make a rim and a simple sloppy side braid that will look good under the hat, and after you take off the cap.

4. Easy chaos
7 things to do in hair care
Careless hairstyles become a winning option, as they will not spoil anything. Do naches and the like of poorly combed hair. And the hat and the wind will not spoil such a careless splendor.

5. Beams
A bunch of women are adored for making it possible in two minutes, as well as for the huge number of options with which it can be diversified. You can also wear actual bundles under high volume caps, as well as complement them with stylish accessories.

6. Curls
Any hat, wearing stylish and playful curls, will look very romantic. For winter, large curls are more suitable. It is important not to overdo it with the means for styling - let the hair be alive.
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