среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

7 tips for hair care in winter

7 советов по уходу за волосами зимой
From cold dry air, hair is deprived of its natural moisture, in the frost they become more fragile and brittle. Therefore, in winter, you need to properly care for your hair and protect them.

Wash your head less often
All shampoos consist of detergent components that dissolve fats. With excessive frequency of washing the head does not have time to resume the natural layer of fat, hair fade and become brittle. Therefore, in the cold, wash your head less often, replace the usual shampoo with a dry one, which can only be used in problem areas, for example, to refresh the roots.

Moisturizing the hair is best done every week. The more moisture in the hair, the better they tolerate severe colds. You do not have to pay a lot of money for moisturizing. Nourishing hair masks are easy to make at home.

a cap
Read also: Top-8 secrets of hairstyles from stylists of stars
In addition to cleaning and moisturizing, hair needs strengthening. Start strengthening with the use of healthy foods rich in protein - nuts, beans, lentils, fatty fish. Beautiful and healthy hair to you will provide antioxidants vitamins C and E. Look for them in greenery, spinach, cabbage and berries, even frozen ones. Health of the hair will add calcium, contained in milk and fermented milk products, and for durability of curls and hair growth, press on the bananas and kiwi. Dull and brittle hair needs zinc: be stocked with sunflower seeds.

Do not forget about water
Try to avoid general dehydration, especially on frosty days. Then it will be very difficult for the body to saturate your hair with the necessary moisture again. Hair also suffers from overdried air in the room, so drink enough clean water.

Avoid very hot water
After a walk in the cold streets, I want to warm up under a hot shower, but it's better to refuse this procedure. A huge temperature drop has a negative effect on the body, and it experiences stress. In addition, from hot water, fats dissolve, and the natural secrets of the sebaceous glands are washed away. Hair lose its health and beauty. Learn to wash your head with warm water, not hot.

Let your hair rest
hair dryer
A variety of styling, waving and napping severely injures the hair, and in winter they are more vulnerable. Walk in winter with loose hair or a loose hairdo, so that the hair can rest.

Dry your hair well
In the winter it is very dangerous to run out into the street with insufficiently dried hair, or not yet cooled down after using a hair dryer. The hair in this case has to survive a sharp temperature jump, and they will freeze from excess moisture. Before going out on the street, carefully hide the hair under the headdress.

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