среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

Healthy and shiny hair: 10 secrets

Healthy and shiny hair: 10 secrets 5 5 1
Здоровые и блестящие волосы: 10 секретов
What should be the ideal hair? Of course, healthy, lively and shiny. And it does not matter what length and haircut you wear - radiant curls are a dream of all women without exception. However, so many factors prevent this, making our strands dry, dull and lifeless! Bad ecology, improper diet, improper care - all this prevents us on the way to our dream. This list can be continued indefinitely, but let's better see how to return the hair strength, smoothness and gorgeous radiance. We offer you some simple but very effective methods.
1. Balanced nutrition
To ensure that your locks admire others with their healthy shine, you need the right diet. Daily eat foods that contain protein, including dairy products. Calcium, which is contained in them, will help restore the structure of the hair. Eat seafood - they have a lot of phosphorus necessary for our strands. It is worthwhile to lean on foods rich in antioxidants: lemons, oranges, berries, green tea. To grow hair, you need vitamin E. To get it, eat nuts, seeds and vegetable oils. If you are not sure that your body receives a sufficient number of important elements, buy a vitamin-mineral complex that will help them fill their reserves.
2. Head massage
Head massage activates blood circulation, thereby stimulating hair growth and giving them a coveted shine. Do it twice a week. If you have oily hair, resort to massage for an hour or two before washing. If they are dry, then massage your head better after washing, because this way you can also reduce the dryness. The duration of the procedure should be about 10-15 minutes. Massage is performed by vibrating circular motions.
3. How to wash your hair?
To wash a head it is necessary in process of hair contamination, and it is desirable not every day. Water should not be hot, as it provokes dryness and dullness. Optimal option - room temperature. You can add a little soda, glycerin or ammonia in the water, since these ingredients have a positive effect on the hair. Also before washing, we recommend combing your hair thoroughly.
4. Rinsers after washing
After washing, you can use special natural rinses to prevent brittle hair and give them a healthy shine. It is recommended to use water with the addition of vinegar, lemon juice and all kinds of herbs that have a good strengthening effect. Another good method is to rinse your hair with a slightly cool tea. Especially it is suitable for dark hair, as it makes their color brighter. You can add a little mint to the tea.
5. Natural masks
Masks made of natural ingredients, the effectiveness of which has been proven by our grandmothers, is the best solution for giving the hair a delightful shine. Their recipes are numerous. We recall the most popular components, which are famous for a particularly effective action. These are egg yolks, sour-milk products, rye bread, yeast, coffee and even beer. One nuance: the mask should be selected according to your type of hair, so it is better to determine it in advance.

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