среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

How to choose the right hair dye: you will not go wrong!

How to choose the right hair dye: you will not go wrong! 5 5 1
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For sure, every woman in her life resorted to the procedure of dyeing hair. There are many reasons for this: someone wants to change the image, someone wants to hide the gray hair, and someone just follows all the new-fangled trends and wants them to match. It is not because the hair coloring will always be the most popular and at the same time the most accessible means for women to change the style.
Since ancient times, women have tirelessly looked after the beauty of their curls. The art of dyeing hair appeared in ancient times, existed in the Middle Ages, and during the Renaissance, and lived to the modern world. The turning point in the history of dyeing was the second half of the 20th century, when paint appeared on the cosmetic market, which could be used at home. Since that moment and to this day we are offered a huge assortment of various colors, choosing the right one among them is not such a simple task.
Basic types of hair colors
All the paints are divided into physical, chemical and natural in composition.
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Physical paints
Under physical paints, it is customary to understand shade balms, foams and tonics. They are washed off easily: when washing their heads, one or more times. Substances that contain such paints do not penetrate the hair structure and can not come into contact with keratin. Such a paint should be chosen by those who want to only slightly change the tone of hair, give it depth, but does not want a radical change of image. Such means can not hide the gray hair or make a blonde from a burning brunette, but they do not harm the hair either.
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Natural paints
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There are only two natural dyes - basma and henna. These colors can choose those women who want to not only change the shade of hair, but also to strengthen them, make stronger, improve. When using natural paints, one should be careful, since the result of staining with them can not be predicted exactly. A few tips will help you avoid unpleasant surprises.
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Henna is able to give hair a red tint, and basma - dark with a slight shade of greens. Therefore, basmu should only be used together with henna and in the right proportion. But henna can be used for painting, with nothing without interfering with it.
If your hair was previously subjected to the procedure of staining with chemical paint, then before painting with natural dyes, they should be checked. To do this, cut a small strand of hair and conduct an experiment with its painting of henna and basma. If what you get will suit you, you can safely dye all your hair. The same thing should be done with the reverse procedure - staining the hair with chemical paint after henna and basma.
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Chemical paints
As for those women who want to radically change the shade of their hair, then to translate their desire into reality will help chemical paints. Manufacturers offer us a huge selection of colors and shades, because it is difficult to understand all this splendor. If you are going to produce the color for the first time, then it is better to choose a shade that differs from your natural one by no more than 2 or 3 tones. So you will avoid unpleasant surprises, as it is not known how the hair will react to a completely new color. In addition, a sharp change in color is fraught with the fact that against the background of a new tone of hair, your face may look excessively pale, and eyebrows - seem too light or dark. Experiment, but do it carefully.
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Selection of paint for appearance type
As you know, first of all, to choose a shade of paint is in appearance, based on your color, in particular, the color of the skin and eyes.
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Eye color
If your eyes have a "warm" tone: green, brown or golden, then it's better to choose a warm shade. Well, if you have the "cold" tone of your eyes: blue, icy-gray, emerald, then the best option for you will be neutral colors.
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Color of the skin
Skin color can be neutral, olive or golden. For neutral skin, any shades of colors, both warm and cold, are suitable. Girls with olive skin will approach cold tones, well, and owners of a warm golden hue can easily choose any of the warm hair dyes.
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How long do you want to change the color?
Before you buy the paint, think about whether you want to change the tone of your hair for a long time. If you decide to make lasting changes, then the paint should choose a long action, because it is more resistant. Remember that it is better to contact a professional for carrying out such a procedure, as staining is a kind of stress for the hair.
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If you want to change for a short time, you better get yourself a temporary paint. It can be a toning shampoo, a tonic, a balm, a special mascara for hair or a coloring gel. The shade of yours will remain only until the first wash of hair, or slightly more. Such temporary paints do not change the structure of the hair, therefore do not cause harm.
To choose the right shade, you can use special computer programs that, according to your photo, will tell you how you will look with this or that color. In any case, remember that dyed hair requires special care to preserve the hue and restore their structure.
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