вторник, 12 декабря 2017 г.

How do vitamins promote hair growth?

How do vitamins promote hair growth? 5 5 5
Как витамины способствуют росту волос?
Thick hair, which shines in the sun with a special sheen, is not the property of every woman. Where more often you can hear such a characteristic of hair, as weak, dull and brittle. And it's not just that shampoo is wrong, much also depends on nutrition and whether there are in the body all the necessary vitamins for hair growth.
What vitamins promote hair growth?
The most important and favorable for the hair are vitamins of group B, namely B1, B2 (riboflavin), B5 (panthenol), B9 (folic acid) and B12 (cyanocobalamines) . These substances are responsible for ensuring that the hair receives all the necessary substances: amino acids, fats, carbohydrates, proteins, etc. With a lack of vitamin data, the hair begins to be brittle, their volume drops sharply, and excessive dandruff appears on the head.
But besides them, there is still a lot of important vitamins for the hair. So, vitamin A is necessary for them in order to produce the right amount of keratin. In addition, it protects them from the effects of free radicals.
Especially the growth of hair affects vitamin E. It carries oxygen transport to the hair and in addition also has antioxidant properties.
Less known, vitamin F. It is a fatty acid that keeps the scalp in a normal state, preventing the appearance of dryness.
Also here it is necessary to say a few words about the vitamin PP . With his lack of a person can develop pellagra, dermatitis or dermatosis (on the scalp), and therefore it is very important to ensure that he always enters the body in the right amount.

Vitamins in the diet
As mentioned before, the first thing to do is to balance your diet and then the hair growth will cease to be a problem. They will regain volume and splendor. However, one must understand that such results can not be achieved in one day, even if the diet is balanced by a dietician. Of course, you should not abandon this method, since proper nutrition in any case is beneficial to all body systems.
So, vitamins of group B should be searched for in such products as: beef, potatoes, nuts, yeast, liver, fresh vegetables, eggs and sour-milk products.
Vitamin A - in cabbage, egg yolks, liver carrots, apricots, tomatoes, dill, celery, broccoli, melon and peaches.
Vitamin E is in the liver, oil, eggs, margarine, walnuts. However, it is advised to take with retinol, which is contained in vegetables - cabbage, potatoes and carrots.
Vitamin F is a complex of unsaturated fatty acids that are found in sunflower, nut, olive, linseed and soybean oil.
A vitamin PP, or nicotinic acid, is present in products of animal origin. For example, in fish, beef liver, eggs, milk, cheese, pork, kidneys and white chicken meat.
5 tips to wash your hair properly

Vitamins in medical complexes
In order to improve hair growth, you can also drink a course of special vitamin complexes. However, there are several nuances that must be taken into account.
First, we must look at the composition of multivitamins. After all, we need not only vitamins, but also trace elements. So buy those where there is necessarily B vitamins, as well as potassium, magnesium and iron.
Secondly, tune in to what you need to drink such multivitamins for a long time. Although if the complex is ideal for you, then the effect will be noticeable after two weeks.
Thirdly, remember - the most correct decision in this matter will tell you only the professional trichologist, because the independent reception of these drugs is fraught with the fact that they are very rich and at some point in the body there may be an excess of those vitamins, which is also not very good .

Is it possible to know exactly which vitamins are not enough for your hair?
This question is quite interesting, because if we can know exactly what our hair lacks for rapid growth, then we can focus on those products that have the elements we need.
Fortunately, medicine is developing very quickly and even today trichologists can offer their patients to give several hair for analysis, as a result of which they will be able to accurately determine what is happening in them and what they need.
However, in any case, do not expect that by starting to take special vitamins, you will immediately see how your hair is prettier. Since such treatment is aimed at the restoration of internal processes, it must be understood that only new hair will begin to grow full and strong, and those that have been before, will remain fragile. So be patient and wait until they all update, and then the result will become obvious.

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