вторник, 12 декабря 2017 г.

What to do when the hair is electrified?

What to do when the hair is electrified? 5 5 5
Что делать, когда электризуются волосы?
Static electricity on hair often plays with us a cruel joke, spoiling the hair and creating a rather comical appearance. We offer you 15 effective ways to help get rid of this problem.
Why are the hair electrified?
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Before we disclose to you the secret of getting rid of static electricity, we want to figure out where it comes from. Without going into physics, we can say that electrification occurs as a result of friction between two dissimilar surfaces. In practice, this may mean that you use an unsuitable type of comb, and it is her teeth that provoke the appearance of static electricity. Also, the reason may be synthetic headwear and increased dryness of hair.

The ways to combat static electricity
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Some of them suggest the use of special tools, some are generally available and suggest using what is at hand.

1.   Special Wipes
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Now you can find on sale napkins from static electricity - just enough to hold them on the hair or on the teeth of the brush before combing.

2.   Indelible conditioner
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The indelible conditioner suggests applying to the hair before the next washing of the head, which is quite convenient, because they can be used anywhere and anytime. Such products do not contain oily substances that can flesh the hair.
Thanks to them your hairstyle will be neatly laid, the curls are successfully combed and moistened, which will minimize electrification.

3.   Water
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If you do not have anything at hand, ordinary water will help you - any, even from the tap. Wet your hand and pass it through your hair or spray a small amount of water from the sprinkler, keeping it at a remote distance.
It is important to observe the measure - a little water will help to moisten and tame the hair, and the flow will make your hair style sloppy and sleek. Unfortunately, this simple and most accessible method has a short-term effect.

4.   Cream
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Excellent hand cream, but you can use any other. Squeeze a little cream on your hands and rub it between your hands, and then apply to your hair without touching the scalp.

5.   Hair dryer with ionization
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Some modern hairdryers are equipped with a useful ionization function that prevents the accumulation of static electricity in the hair by releasing negatively charged ions.
If you will dry your hair with it, you can be sure that, under any conditions, they will remain smooth.
6.   Anti-static spray
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The most effective and simple remedy that will save you from electrifying the hair. Spray the spray on the hair according to the instructions on the packaging.
But be careful when buying antistatic and choose the spray for hair, do not mix it with antistatic for fabrics and other materials!

7.   Humidifier
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A sufficient amount of moisture in the air prevents our hair from becoming excessively dry. As we have already mentioned, it is their dryness that leads to electrification.
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Take care that you have a quality humidifier in your home or use an easier way - put a container of water near the radiator.

8.   Earthing force
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Strangely enough, it sounds, but it is an effective way to pacify the electric hair - just touch a metal object or ground (from a flower pot, for example), and your hair will quickly settle.

9.   Correct Headwear
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If you use synthetic headgear and suffer from electrization of hair - pick up your hat or take it from natural materials. This will significantly reduce, or even eliminate, the problem of static electricity on the hair.

10.   Natural Shoes
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Another unconventional way to combat the electrization of the hair is changing shoes. It is proved that leather footwear promotes grounding much better than synthetic footwear, so go ahead, for quality new clothes!

eleven.   Natural Oils
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Oils have the amazing ability to cope with the most disobedient and electrified hair. The best is lavender, olive, pink and eucalyptus oil.
Apply a few drops to the comb, and then comb your hair.

12.   Black tea
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Black tea perfectly copes with the dryness of the hair. We recommend that you rinse your hair with a hard-boiled broth after washing your head.

13.   Nutrient mixtures
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Such useful and natural mixtures can be prepared independently at home. They will moisturize the hair and make them strong and obedient.
One such effective masks is a mixture of fresh yogurt with egg yolk. Apply the resulting mass to the hair for 20 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

14.   The right hairbrush
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In order to maximally protect your hair from electrification, use combs with natural teeth or bristles - wood and metal combs, as well as combs made of materials of antistatic properties, are ideal.

15.   Hair care
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This is more a general advice than a method of dealing with static electricity on the hair. But let's repeat - healthy, moisturized hair, full of vitamins and strength , will be much more obedient and much less electrified.

Take care of yourself and your hair, and let nothing stop you from making your hairstyle dream and look great!

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