понедельник, 25 декабря 2017 г.

How in the 30's to look 20?

How in the 30's to look 20? 5 5 3
Как в 30 лет выглядеть на 20?
We will tell you how to take care of your skin so that people are surprised to hear your real age, and do not get tired of admiring your youth and beauty.

1. Wash before going to bed
No matter how tired you are at the end of the day, wash away the dirt from the face, the dust and the remains of the make-up are definitely worth it. Otherwise, the pores will be clogged, which will lead to the appearance of pimples, a violation of the oxygen balance of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles.
In order not to forget to wash in the evening, put cleansing napkins near the bed - so you, at least, can remove the dirt from the skin.
In addition, it is worth wiping the surface of your phone in the evening - after all, he constantly touches the skin and carries a lot of different bacteria.

2. Clean the skin
Do not forget to get rid of dead skin cells with the help of special brushes. The best quality is considered silicone, because they are durable and do not accumulate bacteria on themselves.
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Thanks to timely cleansing, you will have a fresh complexion, and the skin will literally glow.

3. Use an eye cream
Because of its thinness, the skin around the eyes needs additional protection under the sun. That's why you should buy yourself an eye cream with SPF.
Try to find a product that is perfect for your skin and will not irritate this delicate area.

4. Use caffeine
In order to quickly put a face in order after sleep, get rid of swelling and bags under the eyes, you need to use caffeine. Ideal for cosmetic products with roller applicators, as they are quickly applied and do not get dirty. To achieve the best effect from use, we recommend storing such cosmetics in the refrigerator.
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If you have not found yet another suitable cosmetic product, there is a simple method for controlling swelling after sleep - take cotton pads, soak them in cold milk and put them on your eyelids for 5-10 minutes. This will quickly restore the face freshness and healthy appearance.

5. Buy funds with glycolic acid
When choosing a peeling remedy, be sure to pay attention to those that contain glycolic acid. It most effectively restores the skin due to its deep penetration.
After peeling, we recommend using moisturizing creams and lotions - they will fix a refreshing effect and give the skin a unique radiance.

6. Choose a moisturizing cream
A good moisturizing cream is a guarantee of beautiful and healthy skin. Pay special attention to the means with glycerin and hyaluronic acid.
Owners of oily skin should look for ingredients in the cream such as silica, nylon-12, glutamic acid and polymathy methacrylate. All of them matiruyut skin and regulate the work of the sebaceous glands.

7. Do not forget about sunscreen
Negligent attitude to the harmful effects of sunlight leads to premature aging of the skin. That's why at any age you need not forget about sunscreen.
Apply the cream before each exit from the house and regularly update it during the day, especially if spending a lot of time in the open air. In the long run, you will be glad that in a timely manner they protected the skin and kept it young, elastic and healthy.
Start taking care of your skin now. Your efforts will necessarily return to you a hundredfold along with compliments from others and a beautiful reflection in the mirror, which will please you even after many years.

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