понедельник, 25 декабря 2017 г.

9 mistakes in skin care that make you old

9 ошибок в уходе за кожей, которые вас старят
Have you noticed that even after using cosmetics suitable for your skin type, you do not get the expected result. It turns out that quality and properly selected cosmetics - not a panacea. What mistakes in skin care lead to premature aging, read in our article.

1. Waiver of sunscreen.
The skin needs protection from the sun not only in summer, but also in cold winter and rainy autumn. Ultraviolet radiation is the cause of wrinkles and other signs of premature aging of the skin. Be sure to choose a good sunscreen for daily use.

2. A dream with not taken out make-up.
Never leave your make-up overnight if you are worried about your skin. Moreover, make-up wipes will not replace your make-up removal procedures. Be sure to wash with water after using cosmetics to remove makeup.

3. Too deep cleansing of the skin.
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Do not use skin cleanser several times a day. This applies to both strong and sparing funds. Too frequent and deep cleansing will dry your skin and neutralize its natural protection. As a result, the production of sebum will increase. Remember that a facial cleanser can be used no more than once or twice a day.

4. Hot water with washing.
Hot water is one of the main enemies of the skin of the face. Even using expensive and quality care products, but washing with hot water, you risk provoking premature aging. Hot water causes dry skin. Nobody says to wash with icy water, but it's better to refuse from hot water. Choose a comfortable temperature for yourself.

5. Excessive use of scrubs.
Scrubs cause microscopic skin lesions that lead to premature aging. In this regard, the use of such tools is often not recommended. Moreover, you need to choose a soft scrub that cleans the skin delicately and does not damage it.
Read also: How to improve a complexion, or 6 habits, from which it is worth noting

6. Squeezing out pimples.
Extruding acne is a habit of many girls. But the procedure for squeezing out pimples and getting rid of black spots is best entrusted to professional cosmetologists. If you press the pimples on your own, there are many scars on the skin that make the face look old. Do not squeeze pimples, but use special cosmetic means to care for problem skin.

7. A large amount of cosmetics.
Excessive amount of cosmetics, even organic and mineral, has a negative effect on the skin. The pores do not breathe and are clogged, but the skin ages. Try to spend more time without make-up, especially if you use cheap cosmetics that contains skin-hazardous ingredients.

8. Hope for cosmetics with sunscreen properties.
No makeup can replace moisturizing sunscreen for the skin. Only the latter truly protects from the harmful influence of the sun. No makeup will not help with ultraviolet light.

9. Wrong posture for sleep.
It turns out the pose for sleep also affects the condition of your skin. Sleeping on the stomach or on the side can provoke the appearance of wrinkles. To avoid this, sleep on a silk pillowcase or change the sleeping position. It will be useful to know that sleep on the back helps to reduce the fluid retention in the body, which has a positive effect on the skin.

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