понедельник, 25 декабря 2017 г.

How to improve a complexion, or 6 habits, from which it is worth noting

How to improve a complexion, or 6 habits, which should be discarded 5 5 1
Как улучшить цвет лица, или 6 привычек, от которых стоит отказаться
Most people have bad habits. However, few of them think about how they can affect our health, in particular, the skin condition. But despite this, residents of large cities often wonder about how to make skin color more healthy. And then, having tried a lot of money, they sincerely wonder why it was not possible to achieve the desired result. Do not go far! Reconsider your way of life! Look at the list of six habits that you will have a beautiful complexion when you do not.
1. Late to go to bed. It would seem that it is harmful to read a book until late at night or watch a TV show? But in the morning you wake up with circles under your eyes. And this is only the smallest harm that sleep deprivation brings. Scientists have been proven that people who stay up late are getting old earlier than those who get enough sleep. When there is a shortage of sleep, the skin simply does not have time to recover, because most of the regenerative processes occur just when you are sleeping. From lack of sleep, wrinkles appear before, and the skin becomes flabby.
2. Addiction to drinking and tobacco. Perhaps, it will become a surprise for you, but the use of two alcoholic drinks at one time can be detrimental to the skin condition. Alcohol is a source of free radicals, and it also provokes the inflammatory processes of the skin. The extract has vasodilator and diuretic effects, after which the skin becomes dry. And if you smoke, in addition to everything there is a dull gray shade of skin. Is it worth it?
3. Workaholism. It is not always sedentary work and sedentary lifestyle make themselves felt by the accumulation of fatty deposits on the body. Sometimes the body's fatigue manifests itself in a strong pallor. But the frequent stresses, being in constant nervous tension, cause the appearance of acne on the face. Stress is the cause of androgen production. These hormones provoke the production of subcutaneous fat, which clogs the pores. So on the skin and there are rashes.
4. Love of soda. Carbonated drinks are provocateurs of skin aging. They contain sugar in huge quantities. And they also belong to products with a high acid content. But healthy skin cells can only be generated under normal alkaline conditions. If it turns into sour, the cells can not keep their health. From this on the skin there are peeling, wrinkles, stains.
Read also: How to save the beauty of the skin for a long time?
Read also: How to use honey to preserve youth
5. Stay in the heat. It does not matter if you are in direct sunlight or not, the high temperature of the air is enough to make brown spots appear on the skin. Also, at an air temperature above 30 degrees, the skin becomes inflamed. And free radicals penetrate into the epidermis. Increases the production of pigment melanin.
6. Life in the city. It seems there is nothing wrong with permanently living in a metropolis. However, this is incredibly bad for the skin. Soot, drops of acids that are floating in the air, ozone, dust, dirt - all this sates the air of cities. All these factors can destroy proteins in our skin, provoke the appearance of rashes, foci of inflammation, wrinkles.
It's up to you to decide whether to change your lifestyle in order to start looking and feeling healthier, or to stay true to bad habits. But are they worth it to make you look and feel older for 10-20 years?

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