понедельник, 25 декабря 2017 г.

How to avoid dehydration of the skin in the heat?

Как избежать обезвоживания кожи в жару?
Summer becomes a painful period for our skin, as heat can lead to its dehydration and dryness. In addition, we sweat a lot, and our pores expand. We will tell you how to take care of the skin in the heat to prevent its dehydration and other negative consequences of high temperatures.

In summer, makeup is not perfect. If you can not abstain from it altogether, then try to apply cosmetics only where it really is necessary: ​​use a camouflage pencil for problem areas, powder your face with powder with a light texture. For lips you can apply lipstick or shine of calm tones. Mascara is better to buy waterproof. Use matting napkins to help avoid unpleasant shine of the face. As for your day cream, then let it be nonfat and has a sufficient degree of protection from ultraviolet radiation.

It's no secret that in the summer, water in the body is lost much faster. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly replenish its reserves, so that the problem of dehydration of the skin and the body as a whole does not touch you.
It is important to drink enough water in sufficient quantities. But with juices and soda should be more careful, because the abundance of sugar can greatly spoil the skin. Caffeine can also lead to dehydration. Be careful with alcohol, which in the heat terribly dries the skin.
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Carry out the restoration of the face skin will help ice procedures that use the world's leading models. In a small container, pour ice and pour water. In such a mixture you need to lower your face and twist it a little so that there is a massage effect. Ice you can make from tea or mint infusion. You can just wipe your face with an ice cube, preferably with a mint. It will also be useful in the heat of an ordinary spray with water or herbal infusions. This procedure, by the way, is useful for both the face and the body.

Read also: How to care for dry skin in the heat: 5 irreplaceable tips
How to use cosmetic procedures in a hot period?
In the heat it is better not to do peelings and deep cleansing of the face, as they strongly irritate the skin, and these irritations can lead to prolonged inflammation. If the skin needs cleaning, then at night you can do cleansing masks from clay. Various scrubs and masks with a film effect apply in the evening, so that the skin is restored.
A very good method of moisturizing the skin in summer is a mask with a cucumber. With fruit masks, although they are useful, it is better to be cautious, because their composition includes acid, which leads to the appearance of pigmented spots. Masks with tomatoes also apply to this rule.

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