пятница, 15 декабря 2017 г.

How to choose a face cream: useful advice of a cosmetologist

How to choose a face cream: useful advice of a cosmetologist 5 5 3
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Choose a care product is not so easy, especially when it comes to face cream. You need to consider a number of factors: age, type of skin, goals that you want to achieve. To make the right choice, you can take into account the recommendations that experts give us-cosmetologists.

Face Creams: features
Using a cream, you need to look at the skin condition. If there are negative changes like rashes and excessive sensitivity of the skin, it means that the remedy does not suit you.
You need to consider for what purposes you need a cream. For rejuvenation, some means are needed, others for moisturizing, and others for problem skin. It is better to consult a beautician who can choose a remedy taking into account the peculiarities of your dermis.
Means that are designed to rejuvenate, smooth wrinkles, make the skin supple and smooth. Please note that they can not be used by young girls, since they are not intended for young skin. Often they include natural ingredients like herbal extracts, essential oils, seaweed. Their task - to restore skin cells, as well as stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, responsible for her youth.
Creams are day and night, and you must always use the product at the time of the day for which it is intended.
• Day Creams
The consistency of these creams is easier, since the makeup is superimposed on them. These creams should moisturize and protect the skin. You need protection from ultraviolet rays, so choose creams with SPF.
Also day creams should moisturize the skin, saturate it with valuable elements. Moisturize any skin, especially greasy. Day cream forms on the surface of the skin a thin film, which protects it from dryness and peeling.
• Night creams
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These remedies act on the skin more strongly, because during their action the skin rests from make-up. In addition, at night, the skin absorbs the nutritional components better and activates the restoring functions.

The choice of cream depending on the type of skin
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Functions and composition of the cream must necessarily match the type of your skin. This factor should be the main factor when choosing a particular remedy.
• For oily skin
Often the composition of creams in this case includes caffeine and salicylic acid. These components normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands and water balance of the skin. They penetrate deeply into the skin and eliminate excessive secreted fat. Also, such creams make the skin matte, because it is an unpleasant fatty shine - one of the main problems of fatty dermis.
• For dry skin
In this case, the cream should moisturize, nourish and protect. It should contain many vitamins and other useful ingredients. Choose a cream with retinol (vitamin A) in the composition that will provide the skin with quality nutrition. Do not be redundant components such as elastin, collagen, hyaluronic acid. Also often creams for dry skin are made on the basis of herbal components, vegetable oils.
• For combination skin
It is better to choose a cream on a natural basis. It is important that it is aimed at normalizing the condition of the problem areas of the skin.
• For sensitive skin
The choice of a means for such skin should be approached especially carefully. Sensitive skin of the slope to irritation and allergic reaction, because an incorrectly selected cream can very negatively affect it. In the composition of the cream there should be no dyes of chemical components. Soothing ingredients, such as oils, allantoin, vitamins, will be helpful. Sometimes these creams are made on the basis of thermal water.
• For problem skin
In this case, the cream should eliminate inflammation and irritation, clean the skin of acne, acne, black spots, make it clean and smooth. The composition can be extracts of herbs, flowers, essential oils, sulfur. Salicylic acid helps fight inflammation, and kaolin can eliminate fat release.

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