среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

How to maintain the beauty of hair in a cold period

Как сохранить красоту волос в холодный период
Alas, low temperatures can adversely affect not only our mood and overall health, but also the beauty and health of our hair. Under the influence of cold air, hair is often split, broken, electrified, and lose its luster and natural liveliness. And the same thing if we are eager to see them luxurious at any time of the year? It is necessary to look after them properly, because it is during this period that they require the most careful care. How can this be done? Our simple rules will help you find your way.

Be sure to wear a hat
We need headdresses not only to protect ourselves against colds, but also to preserve the beauty and health of our hair, because the direct influence of cold air affects them extremely negatively. In addition, hats in our time - it's incredibly fashionable, because choose the element that you like, which will become a stylish addition to your images and will give a reliable protection to your locks. If you do not accept the cap, then at least before going out onto the street, put a headscarf or hood on your head.

Watch for food
In winter, hair, as well as the whole body, needs extra vitamins. First of all, try to lean on fruits and vegetables, as well as nuts, meat, dairy products. Also, it will not be superfluous to additionally take vitamin-mineral complexes, which will help to cope with the actual hypovitaminosis in the cold period.

Wash your head properly
In no case you can not wash your hair every day in the winter, because so the hair becomes even weaker and defenseless. Do this at least three times a week, and in no case by hot water, because it can dry and damage the already weakened strands. The best option is water at room temperature and a protective shampoo, which is designed specifically for the cold period.
Followers: Healthy and shiny hair: 10 secrets

Moisturize your hair
In winter, our hair simply needs additional moisturizing, because the cold air greatly overdoes them. To provide it, you need to use special means for winter care: shampoos, balms and conditioners. This is not a marketing move at all, they have special substances that perform both protective, nutritional, and moisturizing functions, making it possible to keep a healthy head of hair even in severe frosts. Before going out to the street, it will not be superfluous to apply a moisturizing spray with a protective effect on your hair.

Strengthen the blood circulation of the skin
Read also: The most effective oils for health of hair
At low temperatures, blood circulation is weakened, which has a very negative effect on hair growth, on their general condition and on the presence of a desired healthy shine. Your task is to activate blood circulation, and help your locks cope with frosts. Nothing complicated in this situation is required: it will help simple frequent combing and scalp massage with pads of fingers.

Hair masks
In winter they are just necessary to keep our head of hair in proper condition. You can use factory tools for protection, nutrition and recovery, but folk remedies are recognized as much more effective. In winter, masks based on potatoes, chicken eggs, coffee with cognac and other popular natural ingredients are relevant because they exert a remarkable influence on both the internal and external state of the hair.

Rest with dyeing and curling
Experts recommend not to spend during the cold and frost procedures that have a chemical effect on our hair: curling and dyeing, as they tend to make our locks less protected, which means that the negative effects of temperatures and wind can only increase. If you really can not give up this, then use only high-quality products and preparations for the procedures, and take care of the hair even more carefully.

Make friends with hairstyles
We already know that we need to wear a hat, however, what hairstyles to do under the hat - the question is also important, because I want them to be protected and looked attractive. If you have long hair, then pay attention to hair like a low tail, a bundle and a side braid, which look great on any hair and almost any headgear.

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