среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

The rules of care for colored hair

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Painted hair, even if the procedure used the highest quality paint and the most advanced technology, weaker than natural, and prone to damage. The result of regular staining can be fragility of hair, their weakness, dryness and lifeless appearance. Of course, no one insists on stopping your hair dyeing, but it's not necessary to argue with the fact that they need special care. If the unpainted hair shampoo and conditioner can be enough, then a complete care system is needed. However, not everything is so complicated. Our tips will help you keep your locks in good condition, despite regular chemical effects.
1. Pay attention to your diet
Hair that undergo staining procedures needs a balanced diet to maintain their attractive appearance and health. Be sure to eat foods rich in protein, containing vitamin E and other vitamins and trace elements. Lie on fruit and vegetables, because they are the real natural remedy for hair. Certainly you need to eat foods that contain B vitamins. These include eggs, potatoes, asparagus, spinach, beef, beans, oats and so on. If you understand that even if you reconsider your diet, you still will not have enough vitamins, then get a special vitamin and mineral complex.
2. Head skin care
Proper care is required not only by our hair, but also by the scalp, as it is also stressed during painting. After dyeing, dandruff and itching may appear. In this case, juice of garlic and onions will help you. They contain a large amount of sulfur and acids, which have a positive effect on the roots of dyed hair and on the scalp.
3. Combing
To comb the painted hair should be especially cautious, in fact they sekutsja and break much more often, and therefore the risk to spoil their comb increases. Do this carefully, starting from the bottom. Before going to bed for colored hair, the following procedure should be done: comb them in all directions for about 5-10 minutes. So they will become obedient, and the styling will cease to be a problem for you. Use a better comb with wide teeth or a soft comb of natural materials.
4. Washing your head
Read also: How to choose the right hair dye: you will not go wrong!
It is worth remembering that dyed hair does not really like hot water - from it they immediately fade. Use water at room temperature. As for shampoo, it is better to choose a special series of products for colored hair. It will not be superfluous to use natural rinsers, for example, from herbs or with the addition of lemon juice or vinegar.
5. Styling rules
Read also: The most effective oils for health of hair
If you are drying with a hair dryer, try to keep the air from being too hot - it even more dry the already damaged hair. Never put the withered curls up to the end, because their structure suffers from this. Do not forget to use thermal protection means for styling. You can not comb wet hair - from this they severely cut.
6. Struggling with split ends
The ends of dyed hair are particularly susceptible to external conditions, so they often break and split. Do not forget to cut them once a month. Once a week, you can perform special restorative procedures: for example, apply almond oil or liquid vitamin E to the tips. Wheat germ oil, fish oil and castor oil also help.
7. For liveliness and brilliance
To your colored hair pleased you with natural radiance, you can use whipped egg yolks. Foam of them is recommended to apply to the hair, and then massage the scalp for 5 minutes. It can only be washed off with warm water, since hot neutralizes the effect. The procedure should be done 1 or 2 times a week - then your hair will be smooth, lively and shiny.
8. Do everything qualitatively
If you dye your hair, then do it better in a good salon with the use of professional paint, preferably as sparing as possible. In no case is it necessary to paint and make a chemical wave in one day - this is too much work for your hair. Between these procedures must pass at least two weeks, so that the hair managed to recover the field of the experienced stress. A good master, high-quality paint and decent care - and then your dyed hair will look no worse, or maybe even better than natural hair.
Author: Daria Kulikovskaya

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