среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

How to make hair thicker?

How to make hair thicker? 5 5 1
Как сделать волосы гуще?
Healthy and thick hair is the dream of every woman, but, unfortunately, by nature, they are far from all. Some did not receive such a generous gift from nature, while others have worsened the condition of the hair by improper care and lifestyle. In any case, the situation can be corrected, and the following methods will help in this.
First you need to understand that you need to wash your hair as the hair gets dirty. If the hair is dirty, it is not only ugly, but also harmful, since the scalp does not breathe and does not receive nutrition. Also it is necessary to wash the head with warm water. Especially if you have oily hair, then it is worth forgetting about hot water, as it contributes to the rapid contamination of curls. Use boiled water or add baking soda to the water, which will make it softer.
Shampoo for thick hair
• To hair become thicker, apply shampoo on the palm of your hand, and then evenly distribute it on the head. The procedure is better to repeat two times. After thoroughly washing the shampoo, apply balm to your hair.
• Balm will help to eliminate brittle hair, give them strength and density, will facilitate the process of combing.
• Shampoo should match your type of hair, otherwise problems can only worsen.
• To make hair thicker, it is useful to rinse with various herbs, such as chamomile, sage, nettle. You can also acidify the water with lemon juice or vinegar.

Head massage for thick hair
Read also: How to strengthen and improve hair?
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It is very useful to massage the scalp, which helps to give the hair a density. It is better to conduct it before or after washing. Its positive effect is due to the activation of blood supply. Massage with fingertips, light circular motions, slightly vibrating and tapping. Also useful are masks based on folk recipes, which we can find on the Internet a lot.

A few more tips
• Thick hair does not like the sun, so when on the beach, never forget about the headdress.
• Do not use metal combs. To maintain the density of hair, it is better to use wood.
• For hair density, try not to use hair dryer and other thermal methods of drying, as hot couples make curls weak and brittle. At least in the summer, let them dry naturally.
• Also try not to be nervous, to avoid stress. Like irrational nutrition and bad habits, this affects the condition of the locks extremely negatively. Healthy hair needs vitamins and minerals. Eat meat, because it has a lot of iron that eliminates the problem of hair loss.

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