среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

8 myths about hair care

8 myths about hair care 5 5 4
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Many of us from childhood know several laws of caring for their curls, usually inherited from our mothers and grandmothers. Becoming older , we picked up advice in fashion magazines and programs . Are the recommendations for hair care always true and useful? We decided to make out the 8 most popular myths that each of us faced.

Myth 1. Hair needs to be washed every day
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As it turns out, the truth is somewhere between - it is harmful to wash your head rarely, but often it's also not worth it. The more often we do this, the more natural oils and proteins are washed out of our hair. Because of this, the curls can become dry and brittle.
The optimal number of head washing sessions is 2 times a week.

Myth 2. Because of strong experiences, hair can turn gray
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This myth is perceived as true by many, although in fact this issue has been little studied.
In general, studies show that there is a connection between the emotional state of a person and the colored hair pigment. But since all studies were carried out on mice and did not give a 100% result, it is worth remembering that first of all fast or instant blooming depends on heredity and the presence of various diseases that can trigger such processes.

Read also: How to strengthen and improve hair?
Myth 3. If you pull out gray hair , in its place will grow two
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In fact, hair restoration does not depend on their color. So plucking out any hair, gray or not, the new one will grow in its place.
However, despite a fairly rapid regeneration, experts caution against excessive plucking - this can lead to the formation of bald patches.

Myth 4. Because of tails and tight braids, hair begins to fall out
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This statement is true. American scientists recently confirmed that being in a hairstyle - spit or tail - hair is constantly stretched, because of what they become brittle and begin to fall out more .
Do not give up hairstyles, but give your hair time to rest - do not leave locks in the braid at least for the night.

Myth 5. You can catch a cold due to under-dried hair
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Read also: How to make hair thicker?
Many of us have repeatedly heard that you can not go out with damp, wet hair to the street, especially in the cold season - you can catch a very bad cold.
But doctors say something else - the development of colds is affected by pathogens that are not related to the moisture of the hair. You can get sick in the street, if only someone sneezes at you.
Of course, this does not mean that it is worth running in the wind with a wet head - there are diseases worse than colds, for example, meningitis.

Myth 6. Cold water makes hair shiny
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In many sources, including oral ones, one can come across information that if you wash your head with cold water, it will cover the scales of hair and make them shiny.
In fact, this is not so. Agree, if it was true, beauty salons would use icy water in all. The water temperature does not affect the degree of openness of the hair scales.

Myth 7. Hair needs to be combed 100 times a day
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This myth even sounds ridiculous - of course, it is absurd. It is proved that too frequent and zealous combing of hair can lead to their loss and cross-section of tips.

Myth 8. You can not dye your hair during pregnancy
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This issue worries almost all women who dye their hair.
In fact, there is no threat in dyeing - the doctors found that you can dye your hair after 10 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, the initial formation of the child's organs is completed and the paint will not affect the development of the baby.
The only exception is the old paint, made on the basis of formaldehyde. Be careful!

Do not go on about the rumors and myths that spread around. If you are interested in something - check the facts, and then take a note for yourself.

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