среда, 13 декабря 2017 г.

6 main causes of hair loss

6 main causes of hair loss 4 5 2
6 основных причин выпадения волос
Many women know that a person can drop up to 100 hairs a day, and this does not go beyond the norm. But what to do if in the hands of one holding on the hair there are several dozen hairs? This is a real cause for concern, as every woman values ​​her head of hair very much. Let's try to understand the main causes of hair loss, so that you can eliminate them and stop this process.
1. Lack of iron in the body. This deficiency of iron in the body of women can occur during critical days. The process is quite natural. But if the iron is not enough because of diets or fasting - it urgently needs to be eliminated. Anemia, drowsiness, a constant sense of fatigue, hair loss are bright signs of what you lack in the body of iron. To find out the level of iron in the body will help simply a blood test. You can replenish it by drinking a course of vitamins, and by adding to your diet products that contain this element - meat, liver, fish, egg yolk, rye bread, buckwheat and oatmeal.
2. Diseases of the scalp. Hair can fall out if there is some kind of infectious disease on the scalp. For example, dermatitis or seborrhea. In this case, it is worth to appear to the dermatologist, who will prescribe the necessary treatment. What provokes the appearance of these diseases? Internal irritants, such as an allergic reaction, or external pathogens.
3. Lack of blood at the roots of hair and scalp. If the vessels of the head lack blood supply, this can be a good reason for hair loss. The reason for this can be either a cardiovascular disease, or a constant use of drinks that contain caffeine: strong tea, coffee. Also, the frequent use of alcoholic beverages affects the scalp. Cognac in particular. Eliminate this cause by reducing the amount of caffeinated drinks that you consume. Also, take up physical activity. Go out for walks, do exercises, breathe fresh air.
4. Stress. We are often nervous at home or at work. And it makes itself felt. It is worth to perenervnichat once, and the number of hair falling out increases. But these are the "first swallows", which after one-time stress are restored. But if the stress has grown into a chronic form, the hair will fall out very abundantly. This is due to the fact that the vessels of the head are narrowing, the flow of blood deteriorates, the hair falls out. Drink tea with mint, Take a relaxing bath. If possible, try to eliminate the source of stress. Get enough sleep and rest.
8 things to note about hair care
5. Effect of temperature. This can cause hair loss in both adults and children. Being in the cold or strong heat without a headdress causes loss of hair density. Be sure to protect the scalp from frost and scorching sun.
6. Ecology. If you live in a region with severe air pollution, various precipitation, high radiation background, this will affect not only the health of the hair, but also the general condition of the body. If you do not have the opportunity to move to a more prosperous area, support your body with proper nutrition, clean food. Take care of your experiences and stresses.

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